Grand Theft Auto European City

Server Discussion => Server Reports => Resolved Reports => Topic started by: PUSSYDESTROYER on May 28, 2021, 07:03:03 am

Title: glitch abuse
Post by: PUSSYDESTROYER on May 28, 2021, 07:03:03 am
Player Nick: =TLA=FulToN_619
Date: Today
Reason for reporting: Rocket glitching/Use rocket in close-range
   Explanation: Fast switching and shooting with rocket launcher or use rocket launcher in close close quarters battle, at a distance within chrome shotgun range (below 24 meters) extra : on top when he glitch gives him like a few seconds of protection and as a type of fast speed in the video is all and he's an old gamer, he knows those glitch types
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc):
Extra notes: They removed the glitch of molotov and grenade for those types of abuses and evades but now some players are using the glitch with rocket as a hazard and others and when they evade or kill themselves with their own rocket they say that it is not evade and the rocket glitch gives you a kind of speed
Title: Re: glitch abuse
Post by: DiaZ on May 28, 2021, 10:15:56 am
What are you trying to proof?
Title: Re: glitch abuse
Post by: FulToN_619 on May 28, 2021, 10:19:25 am
Thanks for posting your own repa hahaha 3v1 owned
Title: Re: glitch abuse
Post by: PUSSYDESTROYER on May 28, 2021, 10:48:53 am
Diaz,that rocket glitch gives you anti headshot protection and on top they removed grenade and molotov failures by people like fulton who use to kill with full glitch(molotov),in other DM servers they put a reload time for the rocket (5 seconds) for its benefits.
when a player run and spam rockets , as i know that isn't allowed , bcz give a lot of benefits to the user with the rocket 1. Immunity to hits , 2. He can spam rockets in a same place in few seconds , 3. He literraly was running and shooting his rpg at short distance but he jumped back to make other range.
PD: Anyways fulton you are proud of your kills with rocket? lol learn how to play and if you cant , dont breake the rules
Title: Re: glitch abuse
Post by: Hazard on May 28, 2021, 04:22:56 pm
Diaz,that rocket glitch gives you anti headshot protection
Show me evidence where it gives you anti headshot
Title: Re: glitch abuse
Post by: DiaZ on May 28, 2021, 04:35:23 pm
It's vcmp bug. Can't do anything.