Grand Theft Auto European City
Server Discussion => Server Reports => Resolved Reports => Topic started by: Nassim^ on July 23, 2021, 06:07:55 am
Player Nick: Aymen.2002
Date: today
Reason for reporting: Impersonating
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)
Extra notes: -
More evidence
it's funnuy to see you abuse my family with different language with Spam
Does that make you clean ?
Ok but that was nassim who did that not me why did you impersonate my nick? And also he abused you after you impersonated his nick what do you execpt when you do rule break against someone? respect? I don't think so, and also again if someone breaks rules against you report him not also break rules against him like he did
it's funnuy to see you abuse my family with different language with Spam
Does that make you clean ?
Yes yes, because I was killing u, and then u left the server, and joined with my nick and also u said I will keep using ur name, I abused u because ur provoking me and registring new name to evade ignore. I have a convo with him on discord
Translation: he said Wait, I will enter with your real nick.
First, I didn't impersonate you,I said im Aymen. i dont say " im nassim this is my real acc".. and i do this only for 3min
You dont Answer me ? : cursing my family with very bad words does it make you innocent or clean ?
First, I didn't impersonate you,I said im Aymen. i dont say " im nassim this is my real acc".. and i do this only for 3min
You dont Answer me ? : cursing my family with very bad words does it make you innocent or clean ?
Then what is this? u already Impersonating me.
And that is bannable.
Your evidence is very weak, yes im use your name
but i dont say im you
Impersonation is telling people that I'm that person
Edit : Do you have proof that I said that I am you? ( like im real nassim)
It's a bit of provocation/joke instead of an attempt to impersonate, so i've decided to give warn instead. Dont use other players nick, next time it will be a ban..