Grand Theft Auto European City
Server Discussion => Server Reports => Resolved Reports => Topic started by: Modic on February 06, 2023, 02:12:42 am
Player Nick: [MD]Freaker
Date: Today
Reason for reporting: Slide/Animation break, Death evades, pause in combat, close range, spawning vehicle in combat, family abuse
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)
This thing isn't common nor it can be reproduced. It happens mostly when the user has a modified weapon.dat and uses a fast switch/speed gear. here you can see when I knocked Freaker he was sliding. He was also using FPS hack to remove fps cap
Recently a guy Hunting has caught him using same hacks which I encountered just by now. I got some evidences from him. Here are them:
Vehicle spawn in combat:
Close range:
he did close range many times but I missed them recording
pause in combat
Wall Glitch:
Family abuse:
Extra notes: Freaker is the biggest rule breaker. I collected all the proofs in an hour or so. I also don't want this report to be closed as if he gets banned from another report by GerZ his ban duration must be exceeded to 4-6 months for multiple reports.
Sorry for uploading in an alternative because my youtube limit got exceeded
Report updated:
Added more evidences and evades
Good, 1st let's look at into 1st video, so as far as i remember, i was trying to far from him, and was trying to kill him from m60, and i didnt notice that i had low hp, and mistakenly pressed FPV button (RMB) which shows i did slide hack or whatever thinks wep.dat lmao,
2nd video : i don't get it what are u trying to prove here, when its clear as fuck, your bullet sync'd in your screen but in my screen you were shooting above my head idk how, but it was, if you were recording you should've told me that, so i could record my gameplay and show u my clips as a proof
3rd video: as you can see i had low hp, "50" 0r "40" something, and that was really small place, i randomly threw nade and the mansion's stairs blocked my nade n the nade came to, ( same i dont have recording) but here is the example, the same shit happened with me i swear
4th video: it's evade, ( same thing happened again with molo, as i didn't have much hp, those fucking man's stairs blocked my mol and it came to me,
5th video : well i dont think so i need to explain here as you all can see what happened exactly, i was throwing nade and he started shooting me and the nade collided somehow and came to me, what's my mistake? lol this guy is so dumb for real
6 video same as 1st)
7 video, ( i spawned infernus twice to go far from him, as i had to quit the game but this mf was continuously chasing me and trying to kill me, and he died so he reported me) nice iq modic bro
8video ) ( see what i was exactly trying to do, the proof is clear af, i was trying to sit, but this guy spawning so fast i couldnt go, for proof (check timings of server)
9vid) he thinks i am using hack of grenade explode fast or something, it was remote nade man what the fuck do you mean? i learned that trick from Hazard
10) as you can all see same happened there as well, ( if i wanted to spawncar in combat then why didn't i car glitch? i am not retarded man grow up lmao
11) ( i was stuck so tried to spawncar but nothing happened) he got kills, he's reporting me for?
12 ) i dont get a reason, or maybe the video is too small, sorry can't explain what happened exactly
13) ( its not cr ) admin knows what to do, its actually more than (22) range
14) he was hiding in cave or somewhere, i just shooted blindlly, i wasn't even shooting there even this guy knew that i am about to shoot here again but he was still standing there, because he just wanted excuses
15) wall glitches are allowed in these places, Mansions/Ammunation
Extra Note: he's saying i am hacking or something what proof this guy has about my hax or what ever, how can i edit my wep.dat lmao, i don't even know how to hack candycrush and this guy saying me im hacking in vcmp XDDD, good guy x, anyway
and he's providing my abusing logs, just tell him to post full logs, idk i maybe abused him for a reason, provoking me i dont abuse someone for no reasson
, and as he edited his report (adding gerz's video) it was not pause in combat, show full video, cuz when i killed bninin/sheep i minimized my game because someone was spamming my discord, what the fuck are u trying to say i don't get it man
I am done <3
- Just because you uploaded your own point of view of the evade that doesn't mean it's a defence, you clearly threw the grenade on the stairs to kill yourself, you had no intention of exploding me with it especially that you threw it close to you.
- regardless of why you spawned the infernus, it's still not allowed since you're fighting with me, you did that multiple times and spawned cars to save your ass from me.
- You spawned cars and hidden behind them to kill me with wg
- if you was stuck does that mean you're allowed to break the rules by spawning cars lmfao
- Using molo in low hp isnt allowed and even if you used you used in your intentions knowing that it could harm you and even your molo caught u once but u still decided to repeat it which make it u were doing intentionally
- look at where where you aimed your mouse before the grenade got thrown. You clearly intended to throw it on the stairs. You aren't new to know such basics of this game.
- funny how you only responded to the videos that you had a shitty excuse for, meanwhile you ignored the rest of the videos where you couldn't even make an excuse, because they're too clear of an evidence, like the pause evade one and the jumping/fall death ones, you're a rulebreaker and you know it, and the fact that you are reported for stats padding constantly even after knowing that it's not allowed just shows that you are a rule breaker and rules are a joke to you.
- look at where where you aimed your mouse before the grenade got thrown. You clearly intended to throw it on the stairs. You aren't new to know such basics of this game.
( i am not because same happened with me, i was spamming grenade, with 1 hand and other hand was busy in typing cmd !heal , didn't notice i threw nade on my self, why didnt u tell me u recorded so i could clip that for you as a proof,, how's that intentionally dude)
- funny how you only responded to the videos that you had a shitty excuse for, meanwhile you ignored the rest of the videos where you couldn't even make an excuse, because they're too clear of an evidence, like the pause evade one and the jumping/fall death ones, you're a rulebreaker and you know it, and the fact that you are reported for stats padding constantly even after knowing that it's not allowed just shows that you are a rule breaker and rules are a joke to you.
alr so what do you mean, which video did i skip? i only skipped 1 video and i didn't get that reason of reporting, and you're trying so hard to get me banned and i know the reason, well, and i didn't lie on any reply i made tho
also, the proof u atttached of hunting's video
( he said the same to @FulToN_619 ) does fulton uses wep.dat too? no, ofcourse, he just wants excuse because he couldnt beat me with enough lead lmao)
This thing isn't common nor it can be reproduced. It happens mostly when the user has a modified weapon.dat and uses a fast switch/speed gear. here you can see when I knocked Freaker he was sliding. He was also using FPS hack to remove fps cap
I'm replying because I was mentioned and I can help admins with this thing to understand, so basically this msi afterburner's fps counter is fake it shows double than the actual fps for example if your frame limiter is on then it will show 60fps and ingame it will show 30 (real fps) if your frame limiter is off then it will show 120fps and ingame it will show 60 (real fps)
You can check my videos, in my first video I'm not using dgvoodoo and in second video I'm using dgvoodoo ( (
And for sliding thing It's a bug which you can do with fpv. If your opponent shoots you and you press rightclick/fpv then you won't get knocked in your screen but in opponent's screen you would be sliding.
i'm replying since i have something to add regarding the dgvoodo case,
I'm literally using your settings of dgvoodo @FulToN_619 and my fps is still showing 60 in msi afterburner, why does this only happen with freaker and you
i'm replying since i have something to add regarding the dgvoodo case,
I'm literally using your settings of dgvoodo @FulToN_619 and my fps is still showing 60 in msi afterburner, why does this only happen with freaker and you
You're using direct3d 12 not direct3d 11 I'm using 11 also I myself have tested this fps thing with dgvoodoo and without dgvoodoo I know how fps works. Anyways, ingame fps is 60 so we should just care about ingame fps not dgvoodoo's fake fps
i'm replying since i have something to add regarding the dgvoodo case,
I'm literally using your settings of dgvoodo @FulToN_619 and my fps is still showing 60 in msi afterburner, why does this only happen with freaker and you
You're using direct3d 12 not direct3d 11 I'm using 11 also I myself have tested this fps thing with dgvoodoo and without dgvoodoo I know how fps works. Anyways, ingame fps is 60 so we should just care about ingame fps not dgvoodoo's fake fps
still shows 60 fps for me even with directx 11
i'm replying since i have something to add regarding the dgvoodo case,
I'm literally using your settings of dgvoodo @FulToN_619 and my fps is still showing 60 in msi afterburner, why does this only happen with freaker and you
You're using direct3d 12 not direct3d 11 I'm using 11 also I myself have tested this fps thing with dgvoodoo and without dgvoodoo I know how fps works. Anyways, ingame fps is 60 so we should just care about ingame fps not dgvoodoo's fake fps
still shows 60 fps for me even with directx 11
Your case must be special then, you shouldn't be worried about outside fps as long as ingame fps is normal.
OK so this report is based on
"Slide/Animation break, Death evades, pause in combat, close range, spawning vehicle in combat, family abuse"
Lets start with the given evidence which are seemed to be cleared on my point of view
Sliding/death evade. Would you mind to reproduce it again, how its happens ?
and i can see it happens again in this video
Death Evade:-
Vehicle spawn in combat:
i spawned infernus twice to go far from him, as i had to quit the game but this mf was continuously chasing me and trying to kill me,
If you go far from him why don't you just sit in the car and drive it?. You're spawning the car every time and you did not sit on it
Close range:
What's this ?
OK so this report is based on
"Slide/Animation break, Death evades, pause in combat, close range, spawning vehicle in combat, family abuse"
Lets start with the given evidence which are seemed to be cleared on my point of view
Sliding/death evade. Would you mind to reproduce it again, how its happens ?
and i can see it happens again in this video
It can be reproduced, I can help if you want.
Death Evade:-
well death evade wasn't intentionally the mansion's stairs blocked my mol and collided by stairs and came to me, i already explained this idts i have to explain again
Vehicle spawn in combat:
Well, as you know the loc "mksux" is old and i just went to the loc and guess what? i was stucked like this as you see in the video lol, i was keep typing /reqcar to get out from that bugged place, so thats why i diid that
If you go far from him why don't you just sit in the car and drive it?. You're spawning the car every time and you did not sit on it
because he was chasing me, if i was in the car he would easily headshot me, i tried multiple times to do t hat but failed
Close range:
What's this ?
i already explained this thing in my last reply
Anyways i have my POV :
Link :
well death evade wasn't intentionally the mansion's stairs blocked my mol and collided by stairs and came to me, i already explained this idts i have to explain again
You're at a place where everything is packed/covered and you're using mol at stairs?. Doesn't make any sense
Well, as you know the loc "mksux" is old and i just went to the loc and guess what? i was stucked like this as you see in the video lol, i was keep typing /reqcar to get out from that bugged place, so thats why i diid that
Spawning a car in combat isn't allowed.
Even if you know your opponent is there and ready to kill you so you spawn a car that explodes it as well as killing you too so he won't get a kill ?.
It can be reproduced, I can help if you want.
i am waiting, slide when you fall down
Well, i apologize for that but i am already banned, also i just did that once (during combat) and i was just trying to get out from the bug place, did not any glitch or something, i am so sorry for that
and as fulton said, slide can be reproduce, and he did
Well, i apologize for that but i am already banned, also i just did that once (during combat) and i was just trying to get out from the bug place, did not any glitch or something, i am so sorry for that
and as fulton said, slide can be reproduce, and he did
Now you are changing your hack topic to a glitch abuse topic and making it like a death evade report by "falsely claiming that you did glitch". For your information, let me tell you that this glitch doesn't produce the slide that you were doing in both videos. You proved nothing yet. @Broly kindly solve this report. Freaker has nothing to prove so now he is trying to manipulate this report into a bug abuse report.
@FulToN_619 bhai isko bta 😂😂, i am done with this shit
Well, ill show you what i did that time, once i get unban, anyways its just a glitch and sliding has been disabled long time ago
Well, i apologize for that but i am already banned, also i just did that once (during combat) and i was just trying to get out from the bug place, did not any glitch or something, i am so sorry for that
and as fulton said, slide can be reproduce, and he did
I am sorry i am replying after a long time just busy with my real life activity.
you just posted one side video what happened to the other side? did he slide the evidence is still not valid yet.
Will be banned for breaking rules several times