Grand Theft Auto European City
Server Discussion => Server Reports => Resolved Reports => Topic started by: Surahio^ on November 14, 2016, 05:30:24 am
Player Nick: MorFin
Date: Just Now
Reason for reporting: Spawnkill +++ Stat pending
Extra notes: See This He Was Four -- Five Days Ago Same spawnkill and Stat pending Plz Now Ban Him For Long Time Thankss
I was banned,is not stats padding lmao
Anyway as what in the rules stated we consider spawn killing if when they kill you in your default position when you spawn at the same time you're being killed mostly happens when they abuse a grenade, As in the proof you've showed seems like you were acting as a bait, you could have that choice that to run away to avoid, as in my view he's giving you a distance wherein you can have a chance to fight back, this report will be denied for now.