Grand Theft Auto European City
Server Discussion => Server Suggestions => Topic started by: [SS]Eddy on April 11, 2017, 06:00:38 am
Before writing my suggestion this question, is it possible/difficult to do this?
My suggestion is a system of private skins for members of each clan only, this could work as follows, the skins of each clan could have a password, each member of the clan could access this skin using that password or just register the skin clan by clan.
Sometimes you are playing and you try to kill some people but suddenly all have your skin then you try to change skin and all change to yours again and it would also be interesting to have private skins.
If its possible it could be really interesting, but it must have some cons like everything in the world. What about only allow clans to have access only paying for it 10M or I don't know 500/1000 ECD for a permanent private skin or 10ECD per day, 50 per week, etc. Futhermore, only players with for example [SS] tag can use that skin, nobody from other clans or clanless players can join it, obviously they still can team up with that player but he'll be using other skin, like I said, if possible this could be really interesting. +1
+1 Haitians For [MD]
why not, good idea.
+1 Haitians For [MD]
Mm I don't like that. if a clan wanna use a private skin it should be any skin that is not purchasable in server via selecting skin before spawning. Private skin clan should be any other skin that actually is not in server imo, example: golfer, fireman, porn girls, etc.
It's possible but the problem is to choose color and team for the skins without making confusion among the normal players. Whether you can shoot someone or not, it does not depends on the player's skin but his team ID & we use different colors to help players to differ the team ID. The hard part is to choose a good & clear color for each skins owned by the clans to help players to differ them. We might run out of good colors before the skin IDs. If you have any suggestion related to this, you may post it here.
About your problem:
Sometimes you are playing and you try to kill some people but suddenly all have your skin then you try to change skin and all change to yours again and it would also be interesting to have private skins.
You can simply use Free Skin and kill anyone you want..
The concept is interesting to say non the least.
But I think this will be too chaotic in the server.
It's possible but the problem is to choose color and team for the skins without making confusion among the normal players
The following colors can be added, Red, Black, Brown, these colors can be registered for the clans [are those the server does not have]
Sometimes you are playing and you try to kill some people but suddenly all have your skin then you try to change skin and all change to yours again and it would also be interesting to have private skins.
You can simply use Free Skin and kill anyone you want..
You can hit your clan/team mate, for some reason I'm making the suggestion ::)
+1 Haitians For [MD]
This would not work like that, the skins/colors that are already implemented in the server could not be caught by clans, we need new ones.
500/1000 ECD for a permanent private skin or 10ECD per day, 50 per week, etc. Futhermore, only players with for example [SS] tag can use that skin, nobody from other clans or clanless players can join it, obviously they still can team up with that player but he'll be using other skin
Would be a good idea but more work for scripters :P, but if they are willing there are no problems
The following colors can be added, Red, Black, Brown, these colors can be registered for the clans [are those the server does not have]
Red's already used for the suicide bombers.
Great idea, +1.
Red's already used for the suicide bombers.
Oh yeah, I did not remember, how about a red wine ( a darker red)? While more colors more opportunities for other clans.
If its possible it could be really interesting, but it must have some cons like everything in the world. What about only allow clans to have access only paying for it 10M or I don't know 500/1000 ECD for a permanent private skin or 10ECD per day, 50 per week, etc. Futhermore, only players with for example [SS] tag can use that skin, nobody from other clans or clanless players can join it, obviously they still can team up with that player but he'll be using other skin, like I said, if possible this could be really interesting. +1
This system could be used, seems really good, but i'd say to make it permanent, but paying a proper amount of ECD's, like 100/200 ECDs.
only top five or ten clans in the list should be able to use it, so it will avoid the problem of color choosing
only top five clans in the list should be able to use it, so it will avoid the problem of color choosing
Well, this is really good. It's really fair and it'll reward those clans which are more active in EC. Regarding skins for example it could be like this: fireman skin will say * Vice Underdogs Skin * and it'll request for vu password to allow players to spawn with it
Well, this is really good. It's really fair and it'll reward those clans which are more active in EC. Regarding skins for example it could be like this: fireman skin will say * Vice Underdogs Skin * and it'll request for vu password to allow players to spawn with it
This is all + Amal's idea :)
only top five or ten clans in the list should be able to use it, so it will avoid the problem of color choosing
May be or not?
It's wasting money every day
Well, not a bad idea. For example, for my clan (AT), would be nice to be the player's color purple and managers adding/managing clan's skin, like I would add my skin (the black one with a red t-shirt, white pants and hat) and the 2 haitians that aren't gang members (one dressed in blue, and the other one in red). And the price to add one from clan managers that is already bought, 3ecds and buying one and adding
it, 7ecds.
People here is playing group of clans + clanless vs. group of clans + clanless, not clan vs clan.
It's useless.
One will not be able to take the skin if he isnt in the clan ??
+1 Nice idea
only top five or ten clans in the list should be able to use it, so it will avoid the problem of color choosing
That's what I was about to say. Dark Red, Sky Blue, and you can think anyother colour that would be suitable
Book CF clan skin pls. Dark purple with #148 skin thnx.
only top five or ten clans in the list should be able to use it, so it will avoid the problem of color choosing
top 5 will be good
+1nice idea. Cuz everytime i come in server i see all take Haitan skin.
Taxi skin for UF
This suggestion will be locked for now. After few checks on the script, this suggestion has some conflicts with the current features in the server. Moreover, with the limited good colours, this suggestion might only be added for more or less 5 clans. According the webstats, the top 5 clans are ON, MD, CF, VU and UF. So the player that had suggested this idea might not even able to try it. This topic will be locked until we come with a final decision.
Edit( 18/4/17 ): Suggestion denied