Grand Theft Auto European City
Server Discussion => Server Reports => Resolved Reports => Topic started by: Brian on April 30, 2017, 06:52:38 pm
Player Nick: Moon.Fish aka Jan^ aka m60^
Date: 4/30/2017
Reason for reporting: Impostering/breaching accounts, impostering staff members.
Evidence: [12:34:03] --- Aliases for UIDv2 of:[ Moon.Fish ] ---
[12:34:03] - Moon.Fish, CF.Don11^, CF.Don11., [CF]Don11., CFr.Don11, CF.Don11
[12:34:03] - [CFr]Don11, [CF]Nawghty_boy, aZ^, AZ^, m60, m60^
[12:34:03] - =CF=Febulous., VivO^, Xroder^, XroDer., Xroder, XroDer^
[12:34:03] - [ON]HunTinG, DarkFox, Dark_King, KrisH, Krish., KrisH.
[12:34:03] - [NyB]Don., [NYB]Don., [NYB]Don, Dark_zero, Io., [PU]Sameer^*
[12:34:03] - [PU]Sameer*^, [OFF]Tom, [SS]Daniel, [OSK_R]cool3., [OSK_R]cool3, [MK]Halchter
[12:34:03] - [CF]Zorro[W], FullFilled^, FulllFilled^, =CF=Rami^, 3x^, Jan^
[12:34:03] - jh, [FKt]FyTronTy, =ULK=Noire, =ULK=Norie, =CF=AThar., [hg_
[12:34:03] - G_T_A^, G_T_A., G_T_A, [CF]F.., M4^
[12:34:42] >> Admin =ULK=Noire Kicked:[ Moon.Fish ] Reason:[ Impostering staff members, expect to be permanently banned ]
<%Brian> !alias Moon.Fish
<+EC|Bot1> --- Alias for UID2:[ 6fcddf06ee973................................. ] ---
<+EC|Bot1> - Moon.Fish, CF.Don11^, CF.Don11., [CF]Don11., CFr.Don11, CF.Don11, [CFr]Don11, [CF]Nawghty_boy, aZ^, AZ^, m60, m60^, =CF=Febulous., VivO^, Xroder^, XroDer., Xroder, XroDer^, [ON]HunTinG, DarkFox, Dark_King, KrisH, Krish., KrisH., [NyB]Don., [NYB]Don., [NYB]Don, Dark_zero, Io., [PU]Sameer^*, [PU]Sameer*^, [OFF]Tom, [SS]Daniel, [OSK_R]cool3., [OSK_R]cool3, [MK]Halchter, [CF]Zorro[W], FullFilled^, FulllFilled^, =CF=Rami^, 3x^, Jan^, jh, [FKt]FyTron
<%Brian> !kick moon Breaching accounts
<+EC|Bot1> [Kicks] Admin:[ Brian ] Kicked:[ Moon.Fish ] Reason:[ Breaching accounts ]
<%Brian> !kick FS1D1. Permanently banned, breaching 20+ accounts, including attempts to enter Staff members their accounts
<+EC|Bot1> [Kicks] Admin:[ Brian ] Kicked:[ FS1D1. ] Reason:[ Permanently banned, breaching 20+ accounts, including attempts to enter Staff members their accounts ]
<+EC|Bot1> [1] Jan^ has joined the server, Country:[ Pakistan ]
<+EC|Bot1> ---> [2] Hyperzon2: got
<+EC|Bot1> [9] Ah.Fahim has left the server.( quit )
<+EC|Bot1> >> Hyperzon2 teleported to player: [ON]Wishwanath, Cost: $100
<+EC|Bot1> >> HARIS1 teleported to player: Hyperzon2, Cost: $100
<+EC|Bot1> ---> [0] Derwaish.: what
<+EC|Bot1> [11] Afaruk59 has left the server.( quit )
<+EC|Bot1> >> Jan^ has successfully logged in.
<+EC|Bot1> >> Admin:[ Brian ] Muted:[ Jan^ ] Duration:[ 4 min(s) ] Reason:[ Easier to see what account you're using to evade me ]
<+EC|Bot1> >> Admin:[ Brian ] Kicked:[ Jan^ ] Reason:[ Breaching accounts ]
<+EC|Bot1> [1] Jan^ has left the server.( kicked )
UID2:[ 6fcddf06ee973................................. ]
Moon.Fish 39.51.*.* 8.03 minute(s)
CF.Don11^ 39.51.*.* 55.8 minute(s)
CF.Don11. 39.51.*.* 57.4 minute(s)
[CF]Don11. 39.51.*.* 57.9 minute(s)
CFr.Don11 39.51.*.* 58.5 minute(s)
CF.Don11 39.51.*.* 58.9 minute(s)
[CFr]Don11 39.51.*.* 59.4 minute(s)
[CF]Nawghty_boy 39.51.*.* 1.02 hour(s)
aZ^ 39.51.*.* 1.03 hour(s)
AZ^ 39.51.*.* 1.04 hour(s)
m60 39.51.*.* 1.04 hour(s)
m60^ 39.51.*.* 1.05 hour(s)
=CF=Febulous. 39.51.*.* 1.07 hour(s)
VivO^ 39.51.*.* 1.08 hour(s)
Xroder^ 39.51.*.* 1.09 hour(s)
XroDer. 39.51.*.* 1.09 hour(s)
Xroder 39.51.*.* 1.10 hour(s)
XroDer^ 39.51.*.* 1.11 hour(s)
[ON]HunTinG 39.51.*.* 1.13 hour(s)
DarkFox 39.51.*.* 1.18 hour(s)
Dark_King 39.51.*.* 1.19 hour(s)
KrisH 39.51.*.* 1.20 hour(s)
Krish. 39.51.*.* 1.21 hour(s)
KrisH. 39.51.*.* 1.21 hour(s)
[NyB]Don. 39.51.*.* 1.22 hour(s)
[NYB]Don. 39.51.*.* 1.23 hour(s)
[NYB]Don 39.51.*.* 1.23 hour(s)
Dark_zero 39.51.*.* 1.24 hour(s)
Io. 39.51.*.* 1.28 hour(s)
FullFilled^ 39.51.*.* 1.30 hour(s)
[PU]Sameer^* 39.51.*.* 1.33 hour(s)
[PU]Sameer*^ 39.51.*.* 1.35 hour(s)
[OFF]Tom 39.51.*.* 1.40 hour(s)
[SS]Daniel 39.51.*.* 1.41 hour(s)
[OSK_R]cool3. 39.51.*.* 1.42 hour(s)
[OSK_R]cool3 39.51.*.* 1.42 hour(s)
[MK]Halchter 39.51.*.* 1.43 hour(s)
[CF]Zorro[W] 39.51.*.* 1.44 hour(s)
FulllFilled^ 39.51.*.* 1.48 hour(s)
=CF=Rami^ 39.51.*.* 1.49 hour(s)
3x^ 39.51.*.* 1.52 hour(s)
Jan^ 39.51.*.* 1.58 hour(s)
jh 39.51.*.* 1.67 hour(s)
[FKt]FyTronTy 39.51.*.* 3.89 hour(s)
=ULK=Noire 39.51.*.* 15.1 hour(s)
=ULK=Norie 39.51.*.* 15.1 hour(s)
Jan^ 39.51.*.* 15.4 hour(s)
=CF=AThar. 39.51.*.* 16.1 hour(s)
=CF=Febulous. 39.51.*.* 16.5 hour(s)
=CF=Febulous. 39.51.*.* 2.02 day(s)
[hg_ 39.51.*.* 2.03 day(s)
G_T_A^ 39.51.*.* 2.03 day(s)
G_T_A. 39.51.*.* 2.03 day(s)
G_T_A 39.51.*.* 2.03 day(s)
[CF]F.. 39.51.*.* 2.06 day(s)
M4^ 39.51.*.* 2.82 day(s)
Extra notes: Has been banned before for doing the same thing. Hasn't learned anything and decided to take it to the next level.
<%Brian> !banhistory Jan^
<+EC|Bot1> Nick:[ Jan^ ] UID:[ f5f8b131cee89bb.............................] banned by:[ Howl ] reason:[ impersonating other players ] banned on:[ 1.01 month(s) ago ]
<+EC|Bot1> Nick:[ Jan^ ] UID:[ f5f8b131cee89bb.............................] banned by:[ cool3 ] reason:[ evade via pause ] banned on:[ 19.5 day(s) ago ]
These types of players are not condoned here and he should be permanently banned for this.
To be permanently banned