Grand Theft Auto European City
Server Discussion => Server Suggestions => Topic started by: MD619 on May 02, 2017, 01:34:09 pm
Suggestion for:(Forum/Server)Server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can):Remove 3 seconds for spawning vehicle
Extra notes:this is very annoying disgusting
This has been implemented to stop death evade via vehicle or for those who spawn vehicles in combats to take cover from bullets. In addition, some people like UJIBU4 use /getcar to evade mollies damage.
Yeah ryne is right
-1. Ujibua XTM and [OFF]Tom :v
don't be retarded,just remove this shit
People can report them but waiting for 3 seconds frustrates me and other people too why should we people face this difficulty when we don't even do evades etc..
This system should only for those who evade .
I'm amazed why reports board is made ?
Changing to +1. lol Its fuckin' too much Annoying.
Might be change to 2 seconds, It will solve the problem regarding evasion via spawning a vehicle as cover.
nope,remove the spawning time.
+1 Remove Spawn Time
+1 remove it.
Might be change to 2 seconds, It will solve the problem regarding evasion via spawning a vehicle as cover.
2x00= 0. Therefore the vote is +1
What frustrates you while waiting 2 or 3 seconds?
It is implemented to prevent death evades via /getcar and won't be removed at least for now. Deal with 2-3 seconds, if you can wait 3+ seconds to teleport/heal then why you can't in this case?
The issue I have with this topic is that people are not reporting those that use /getcar to evade yet complain about it.
Once the measures are taken to prevent it you start bitching about it as well.
Make up your mind, you can't have both.
+1 remove it
The issue I have with this topic is that people are not reporting those that use /getcar to evade yet complain about it.
Once the measures are taken to prevent it you start bitching about it as well.
Make up your mind, you can't have both.
I think we have forum for reporting .
Waiting for heal for 5 seconds wasnt enough that we have to wait 3 seconds to spawn a vehicle lol ?
Its irritating man :/
5 sec delay for /heal is implemented to avoid death evasions, its the same case here, is it too difficult to understand things for u guys?
russians ain't active 24/7 so why doing that to us?
if russians does this report em' but don't make fucking spawn time for 3 seconds,i like waiting but not like this everything in the server will be with timers? its annoying just remove it all of us want this.
we play ec maybe you're busy and you don't play it as we do @Sevrin and @Aaron
5 sec delay for /heal is implemented to avoid death evasions, its the same case here, is it too difficult to understand things for u guys?
/heal is a common tthing
You can create system which doesn't allow us to spawn vehicle while being shooted.
5 sec delay for /heal is implemented to avoid death evasions, its the same case here, is it too difficult to understand things for u guys?
/heal is a common tthing
You can create system which doesn't allow us to spawn vehicle while being shooted.
its not as easy as u think, if it was that easy, then human would have implemented it for /heal days ago
russians ain't active 24/7 so why doing that to us?
if russians does this report em' but don't make fucking spawn time for 3 seconds,i like waiting but not like this everything in the server will be with timers? its annoying just remove it all of us want this.
we play ec maybe you're busy and you don't play it as we do @Sevrin and @Aaron
Both of us have a life too. I am inactive due to my studies, you may know that real life is more important then games. And same goes for Aaron.
But we do know what is best for the server, you cannot heal before 5 seconds, timer is there to prevent death evade. And same is the case for vehicles, why you cannot understand this little thing? Is it too difficult for you to wait " 3 " seconds?
Why the hell board '' Server Reports '' is for? We don't need it. Remove 3 secs.
3 seconds? Are you guys crazy? 3 second are like 1 2 3 boom spawned.
+1 Remove this shit.
3 seconds? Are you guys crazy? 3 second are like 1 2 3 boom spawned.
Those 3 seconds are like 3 years for us xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
+1 Why scared of wk?
Can't beat them?
+1 Why scared of wk?
Can't beat them?
Feeling Proud :)
+1 Why scared of wk?
Can't beat them?
If this is the thing I assure you that we aren't scared and will never be .
This thing isn't done by WK players only but the thing is they do it the most that's why their name is mentioned .
+1 Why scared of wk?
Can't beat them?
If this is the thing I assure you that we aren't scared and will never be .
This thing isn't done by WK players only but the thing is they do it the most that's why their name is mentioned .
Y axis cheaters do it to evade damage of mollies kinda death evade when burning.
+1 Why scared of wk?
Can't beat them?
If this is the thing I assure you that we aren't scared and will never be .
This thing isn't done by WK players only but the thing is they do it the most that's why their name is mentioned .
Y axis cheaters do it to evade damage of mollies kinda death evade when burning.
Correct my dear.
+1 Why scared of wk?
Can't beat them?
If this is the thing I assure you that we aren't scared and will never be .
This thing isn't done by WK players only but the thing is they do it the most that's why their name is mentioned .
Y axis cheaters do it to evade damage of mollies kinda death evade when burning.
asslick+1 Why scared of wk?
Can't beat them?
If this is the thing I assure you that we aren't scared and will never be .
This thing isn't done by WK players only but the thing is they do it the most that's why their name is mentioned .
Y axis cheaters do it to evade damage of mollies kinda death evade when burning.
Correct my dear.
Asslick reloaded
just finish this shit all players want it to get removed its annoying as fuck.
It shouldn't be removed .
+1 Why scared of wk?
Can't beat them?
If this is the thing I assure you that we aren't scared and will never be .
This thing isn't done by WK players only but the thing is they do it the most that's why their name is mentioned .
Y axis cheaters do it to evade damage of mollies kinda death evade when burning.
Esports will be laughing if you cry about X and Y axis fix, it comes default with mouse
Is this a suggestion topic or war topic against WK or against anyone, this not the suitable place for these kind of comments. Request to be on the topic only do not go off topic.
Topic is about removing/not removing timer on /getcar. So discuss about it only.
After further discussion, since it wasn't favorable by all, the update will be revoked to it's default one without a timer hence it will be a rule from now on, since before it was a confusion that majority doesn't know if it's allowed or not, once again to make it clear it will be a rule and players can report in connection with spawning cars as cover and glitching by shooting through cars. We will wait for human for it to be taken effect about this removal of timer but the said rule will be effective starting this day.