Grand Theft Auto European City

Server Discussion => Server Reports => Resolved Reports => Topic started by: Clayton M Abernathy on September 04, 2017, 04:38:06 am

Title: GhosT_RiDeR - death evade via jump from high roof with low hp
Post by: Clayton M Abernathy on September 04, 2017, 04:38:06 am
Player Nick: GhosT_RiDeR
Date: 03.09.2017
Reason for reporting: death evade via jump from high roof with low hp
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)
Extra notes:
Title: Re: GhosT_RiDeR - death evade via jump from high roof with low hp
Post by: CrackM4 on September 04, 2017, 11:02:35 am
Warned for this time.