Grand Theft Auto European City
Server Discussion => Server Suggestions => Topic started by: FulToN_619 on November 12, 2018, 03:06:06 am
Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) Server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): Remove Sea Sparrow
Extra notes: -
atm no, it's a challenge even for laggers
+1 yes hunting noob use it and dont stop.
+1 +1 +1
+1 dickheaded move for dickheads (Hunting)
It's a fair play at least for all, and there's a way to counter it, one is deploying a drone. It is not favor for one person only, yet as we said it is still on beta test, there's still changes to be done as per observation,
probably adding minigun at ammunation when sea sparrow is being used.
Remove plox thnkx +1
+1 with Fultino jani :D
No Aaron, unfair do not remove it, its important for me to fight.
As a vks player am professional enough to handle a sea sparrow.
sea sparrow ruined the fun of this server
EC=VKs now a days
sea sparrow ruined the fun of this server
EC=VKs now a days
-1. Fulktron just crying about that he can't do his lags anymore.
+1 with fulton_619
+1 .. otherwise, bring something to counter it!
Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) Server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): Remove Sea Sparrow
Extra notes: -
Sea Sparrow is too much people are making over 50-60 kills with sea sparrow it's over powered either it should be removed or given for limited time like 5 minutes or maximum. If can't done about 5 minutes thing then should be removed.
+1 Jani wtf
+1 to arsal :) (+1 to fulton also)
+1 Jani wtf
+1 Jani wtf
+1 .. otherwise, bring something to counter it!
I think you didn't read the update note. There is already counter for it. -1
+1 +1 +1
Jani I love sea sparrow but I love you too much so remove it +1
@Aaron and @Human. Guys You are always doing a successful job, but unfortunately you are always canceling this work why please ?
+1 Fulton😘
-1, Deny this shit.
Remove that shit man, server players going less day by day
lol players don't even know what they want
We want the sea sparrow to get removed according to votes.
Anyways, bump
+1 >:( >:( >:( >:(
No, we don't want.
Let's make war with
Yes Vs No in ec server, then do your job.
Remove that shit man, server players going less day by day
Actually player count was already unstable and low before the update. I believe the reason Aaron suggested the idea to me and worked to create the custom map apart of his busy life for this update is to stop EC from dying by experimenting with new environment and challenges into server. The player count can be higher or lower at any moment, it's currently unstable and cant be predicted. There are many more things to be taken into account besides the update...
I'll have a final discussion with Aaron about this feature as it's his idea. We will come out with a decision soon. As a side note, im also currently very busy due to studies, so there might not be any more new update in this year from me unless it's important bug fixes.
VKs? is a server thats look like neo geo hmm no neo geo its better than him.!
my vote is + how much nawaz sharif stole money from Pakistan
1+ - Make the server more rubbish like VKs, right? Its good as it is.
Lmao why all are Discusing vks here?
Vks is DMing as well as Free roam server ,this is why it include all the things and EC is pure DMing server so this is why all are pointing out vks.
Yeah why all hate vKs BTW vks is a server DM too so why ?
Vks is a good server
EC too .
I'm back, so I was poked by Human regarding what is being concerned here, and let me put this into context.
As a developer (actually manager) we are concerned regarding what is to be changed or improved, now I planned this crazy idea in which somehow to survey whether to see if there's any changes when it comes to player count in which somehow at its first release it brought to an attention with some other players. We already prepared for this regarding with some unpleasant criticism which of course we will handle it professionally according to our role.
I think I myself and @Human. needs to take a break regarding updates, we did all we could to bring some fresh and new updates to keep the excitement on going for our dear players. Not to drag this statement but to inform on what is our part and our own view of perspective. We did our job as our rank desired but everyone needs some time for themselves and we will stop it here for now.
You can rest now @Human. you did your part mate and thank you guys for raising this concern at least we can be aware on its situation and keep EC alive, help each other to keep our server clean from hackers and enjoy!
I will be inactive due to my masteral degree im taking for medical school so I think that explains all.
It will be removed once Human reads my PM.
Sea sparrow is removed & the island will be kept in the server. All commands are also allowed at the island now.