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Messages - [R3V]Kelvin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
Resolved Reports / Re: [R3V]Kelvin Abuse
« on: December 22, 2020, 05:02:27 pm »
Well, the only thing I can back myself up with is showing what led me to say such things:

I know there's nothing I can say to justify what I said but I don't care about this game anymore and one of the reasons is that there are many morons that think they are better or whatever by 'raping' players in VC:MP. They can achieve nothing in life but a VC:MP kill and feel good about it.
So, admins, do what you have to do.
Have a good day.

Account Supports / transfer request
« on: December 30, 2019, 11:22:54 am »
Old nick: [SK]Kelvin
New nick: _keLvin
Reason why you're transferring your account: the SK Clan is willing to close

thanks in advance!

General Discussion / Re: Proposed changes and update ( Public survey )
« on: October 15, 2019, 09:14:59 am »
only one thing, add one sub-machine gun with stubby and m4 and disable drive-by, heli-killing

+1 to all other updates

Server Suggestions / The way of transferring/deleting accounts
« on: October 14, 2019, 08:15:46 am »
Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) forum
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): I would like the current way of transferring/deleting accounts in the server to be changed, do some changes to the panel so players can login with their server credentials and submit a request of what they want (delete/transfer their accounts) and an admin decides to accept or reject the request
Extra notes: I think nickname changes should be more confidential (I assume not everybody like their nicknames changes to be known)

any doubt please post it below

Account Supports / Transfer Application
« on: March 06, 2019, 02:25:50 am »
Old nick: =TRC=Kelvin
New nick: [SK]Kelvin
Reason why you're transferring your account: TRC Clan closed.

Clans Archive / Re: TRC | The Renaissance Crew
« on: March 06, 2019, 12:42:40 am »
After a successful 6 year run, it has been decided that TRC be disbanded and all of the members go their separate ways.

Clan management unfortunately lacks the will and time it once had to lead the team to new mountain tops and it would thank all the members that stuck to the gang to the very end.

Server Suggestions / Re: /buyskin
« on: January 26, 2019, 01:24:04 pm »
Another idea came across my mind right now: why not being able to choose how many hours would you like to buy a skin? (/buyskin <ID> <hours> confirm) so the skin’s cost will depend the hours you choose.

Server Suggestions / /buyskin
« on: January 25, 2019, 12:35:32 pm »
Suggestion for: Server.
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): When you buy a skin you can use it for 12 hours, right? I mean, if I can't join the server in the next 12 hours I will lost my skin and the ECDs I invested to buy it with. I want the period of 12 hours to be based on player in-game playtime. So, if I play EC today for 1 hour and I don't join the server until the next week I can be able to use the skin I bought for 11 hours more.
Extra notes: The last time I played EC and bought any skin was very long time ago, so if the server already got this feature I really apologize for creating this post.

Another idea came across my mind right now: why not being able to choose how many hours would you like to buy a skin? (/buyskin <ID> <hours> confirm) so the skin’s cost will depend the hours you choose.

Forum Games / Re: Post to 10000
« on: May 06, 2018, 03:47:56 am »

Server Suggestions / Re: Retarded Suggestions
« on: January 24, 2018, 03:31:40 pm »

Server Suggestions / Re: Suggestion - Server(2)
« on: January 19, 2018, 12:41:21 am »

Server Suggestions / Re: Suggestion-Forum
« on: January 17, 2018, 12:51:39 am »

Awards 2017 / Re: Best clan of the year 2017
« on: December 03, 2017, 04:26:38 am »

Awards 2017 / Re: Best player of the year 2017
« on: December 03, 2017, 01:42:33 am »
  • Most improved player of the year:
  • Most rudest player of the year:
  • Most smartest player of the year:
  • Problematic player of the year:
  [ON]HunTinG, zeodex
  • Friendliest player of the year:
dark6, [VU]TzUnam, *Cadiz++
  • Chainsaw pro player of the year:
  • Dumbest player of the year:
  [ON]HunTinG, RK.santiago15_pro
  • Best headshoter of the year:
  • Best runner of the year:
  • Best driver(include all vehicles) of the year:
  • Best rule-breaker of the year:
  • Best shooter of the year:
  • Best reporter of the year:
  I never check reports section, it is full of spam //
  • Best ban-evader of the year:

Server Suggestions / Re: Suggestion - Server
« on: November 05, 2017, 01:50:24 pm »

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