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Messages - ElecTroN^

Pages: [1] 2
Resolved Reports / Re: [KF]ElecTroN^ - Death evade by grenade
« on: September 10, 2021, 08:07:59 pm »
I'm sorry, i was knocked after throwing the grenade so i had no chance to escape it & it exploded, won't be repeated again

Resolved Reports / Re: [KF]ElecTroN^LT - EVADE
« on: April 15, 2021, 08:17:40 pm »
Edit: 0:8, you passed through the edge, didn't enter in molo but molo touched you and your FPS also started dropping. Same happened to me, when I moved a little(since I was moving in a similar to zig zag way), my fps started dropping and molo touched me.
Lol you dont know the molo's range? when the molo explode have a major alcance than of what you see on your screen , all know that and if you dont know how to play with molotovs , why you played with that weapon? now take your responsibility.
PD: In min 0:17 he jumped to his molotov , that is an clear evade intention
I see I jumped into my molo, LMAOOO.
I explained everything in the above reply. I don't have time talking with people with low brain cells. Blind guy, molo makes your HP less than 35 if you jump into it while having 100HP. If I had jumped into molo, why my HP was even greater than 60 lmao. FYI, let admins handle it. You said what you had to say.

Resolved Reports / Re: [KF]ElecTroN^LT - EVADE
« on: April 15, 2021, 04:52:10 am »
it's the worst excuse i ever saw in my life
You're the guy with lowest brain cells and 0 IQ ever.

Resolved Reports / Re: [KF]ElecTroN^LT - EVADE
« on: April 15, 2021, 04:18:27 am »
Did it really seem you a evade lol? When I threw the molo a second time, I didn't start losing health instantly but when I ran and went near the molo(i didn't even touch the fire), it touched me. It's a VCMP bug and you don't know it lmao. Admins are clear enough and experienced than you(oh, that's why you don't even know that it's a VCMP bug). They can decide whether the evade is done is a VCMP bug upon going near to it or I went into the fire :D. Everyone can check it by throwing the molo and get near to it. Then the fire will auto attach you. I was far away from fire. This thing happens less in high end PCs.

Edit: 0:8, you passed through the edge, didn't enter in molo but molo touched you and your FPS also started dropping. Same happened to me, when I moved a little(since I was moving in a similar to zig zag way), my fps started dropping and molo touched me.

Resolved Reports / Re: Mr.M00N-Evade
« on: April 25, 2020, 07:50:22 pm »
@ElecTroN^ , did he get disconnected? Please provide full video.

@Mr.Moon , if you have some sort of evidence, that will be helpful. Most preferably video. Otherwise, screenshot showing your pc lagged/hanged.
My bandicam stopped recording cuz 10 mints were completed(not cracked).

Resolved Reports / Mr.M00N-Evade
« on: April 24, 2020, 10:17:46 pm »
Player nick: Mr.M00N
Reason for reporting:evade
Evidence(Screenshot,videos etc..):https://youtu.be/wECH32sWwFM
Extra notes: kthxbye

Resolved Reports / Henrich-Evade
« on: April 22, 2020, 01:07:05 am »
Player Nick:Heinrich
Reason for reporting:Evade
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)https://streamable.com/8cvoun
Extra notes:

Server Suggestions / Re: Custom weapons
« on: April 21, 2020, 12:41:10 pm »
+1 those wep suck and ruin the deathmatch fun

Birthday Blast / Re: HBDay Aaron
« on: April 12, 2020, 09:50:31 am »

EC1E 2020 / Re: General Questions
« on: April 10, 2020, 07:22:49 am »
If I lose,I get nothing?

Resolved Reports / Re: [IZ]Wave-Account breach
« on: April 07, 2020, 07:53:27 pm »
Hi Admins!!! This report is fake. I think wave do not do this i was his clan founder.I know the Gay brothers They owndo this
You better stay away from the report.

That guy [IZ]Wave^ logged in without my permission and I never shared my pass to this guy.Thanks for the pass anyways!

EC1E 2020 / Re: EC1E 2020
« on: April 07, 2020, 08:18:07 am »
Ingame nick: [KF]ElecTroN^
Average ping: 160-220
Country time zone: GMT+5
Average FPS: 59.999999-60


Resolved Reports / Re: [IZ]Wave-Account breach
« on: April 07, 2020, 05:28:57 am »
@Wave, elaborate, please.

someone contact wave to appear in the forum.
He even changed account pass.Can't access my own account.Please send me new pass and I have only two-three real nicks which also have 5000+ ECDs.

Resolved Reports / Re: [IZ]Wave-Account breach
« on: April 07, 2020, 12:51:21 am »
As fas as it's about 'Wsx7.001', the nick is not even registered in the server. So anybody can join and play. As it is not someone's official nick. Although in web stats I could find an account as "Wsx7.0011" (double one).

By the way, what is the purpose of having 100+ accounts in a server? Isn't it better to stick with a single or even 1-2 random nicks instead of flooding with hundreds of useless accounts? We better impose a rule on that as well.
Wsx7.001 was registered and he joined and transfered this nick to his useless clan IZ.

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