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Messages - Super_Sens

Pages: [1] 2
Ban Appeals / Re: AloneWarrior Ban appeal
« on: January 20, 2021, 08:21:46 pm »
Sorry for interaction but i would like to state something which is very important.
Well according to me you have been banned for ban-evading because you were requested by cool3 to keep some patience untill and unless Human and Aaron would come and put forward their final decision regarding the issue you were facing "suspicious game behaviour" meanwhile you were using Aurora Widescreen which was caught by server and you were getting auto kicked over and again which is written by you in your own statement in your unban application but on the very second day you were found in EC sever without informing any of the staff member about you game play which i consider it as a ban evade and report you immediately thus you got banned so what iam just trying to say is that law is equal for all of us and should be equal to all of us so iam alarming you if you people unban him even after knowing about the whole scenario going on so believe me this will be really unfair to all of those player who were caught for doing ban-evade and got several punishment even i myself will do ban-evade if i ever get ban after if you unban him alonewarrior.
Cool3 you are  a neutral person and i really appreciate it so "Justice prevails"

Ban Appeals / Re: AloneWarrior Ban appeal
« on: January 20, 2021, 07:02:22 am »
Then today i realised thst i didn't delete this file when i delete this file my game runs. And i msg Aaron on the discord to delete my appeal. Then super sens reported me that I was ban evading
come on dude you think you can be more smart player than me but let me remind you iam the Supersense.
Aaron bro just check the duration in between his messages to you at discord and the report i have made against him i can fully assure you he has messaged you afterwards of his report just to make a fake pretense to skip out of his punishment of his ban evade and hence he is trying to do this over here. (Point to be understand).

Resolved Reports / Re: MyEcds - Evade
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:38:45 pm »
Gg attackerx nice bro. Btw i don't want to reply to your bullshit too cool3 know better than you. That means you should stfu you don't need yo replay.
who am i is none of your concern because only the thing you have do is to write something logical regarding your report inspite of wasting your time in investigating about myself, by the way it's  ''reply'' you really make me confuse.
as far as i have personally observer regarding you that you use ''unintentionally'' word in almost every of your report but even if your says it once ''that you operate your account by unintentionally'' then believe i will keel/bust you then and there ''LAME JOKE'' nvm.
PS Yea dude you are absolutely right @cool3 know much better than all of us about this case that is why i have prefer him to handle this situation so let him do it peacefully we can debate somewhere else sometime.

Resolved Reports / Re: MyEcds - Evade
« on: January 19, 2021, 10:47:46 pm »
llooooooooolllll broo. i forgot to delete the d38d.dll file i deleted the scripts file theb when i remove it my game ipen as i told to aaron in discord that my account has been open
bla bla i won't give a single fk to your bullshit pretense.
@cool3 can u pls handle this report? as you know the whole scenario.

Resolved Reports / Banned MyEcds - Evade
« on: January 19, 2021, 07:37:04 pm »
Player Nick: MyEcds as know as Alonewarrior
Date: today
Reason for reporting: we can  consider it as a ban evade
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc) https://ibb.co/WsMgzBJ
Extra notes: he was caught by server for usage of widescreen  and then he applied for unban app at forum to which cool3 ask him to wait for final decision of human and Aaron  as u can see inside this https://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=11111.msg63659;boardseen#new

Resolved Reports / Banned Jizzy_619 - racism
« on: January 11, 2021, 10:56:52 pm »
Player Nick: Jizzy_619
Date: 1/11/2021
Reason for reporting: racism on our nation.
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)  https://ibb.co/ZYDk55v     https://ibb.co/hc57fkm
Extra notes: basically he is a cafe brain dead kid who is abusing on our cast and trying to start a flame in real life, shaikh is our cast and there are lot of player who are shaikh by their cast like HARDING, FULTON, DECENT, SANAULLAH, ATTACKERX MKT.Usman, Raiden and much more and as far as Meer war encouraging him to abuse on our nation and was laughing from ec-echo.

Resolved Reports / Re: Supersense - HP hack/Suspicious Lagg
« on: January 07, 2021, 05:45:32 am »
@Player  @Super_Sens  you both are same "unhitable " why I didn't ban or warn you both?! because if I did this I would do this to many players, so guys stop complaining about he is unhitable or hp or lag.....simply

Anyway i dueled u super sense before please post your game play
i didn't post for a long time cause i have seen his reply to you cool3 in which he is some how aggressive to you so i thought i will post my statement when u will sort out your problem with him.
Well bro its a rare problem which also happen to me alot of time i will again consider it as vcmp personal lag.

Resolved Reports / Accepted DA3SH - Racism idiot
« on: January 05, 2021, 09:51:01 pm »
Player Nick: DA3SH*
Date: today
Reason for reporting: racism
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc) https://ibb.co/x6FdXvr
Extra notes: this bitch abusing my country i kill him real life i swear

Resolved Reports / Re: Supersense - HP hack/Suspicious Lagg
« on: January 01, 2021, 12:27:29 am »
It also happen to me sometime i will consider it as vcmp personal lag

Resolved Reports / Re: Super_sens aka dodgeo-mama abuse+multi account
« on: December 30, 2020, 05:45:01 pm »
I dont have logs btw there is should have rule about it,he plays with 2 accounts at the same time. This is totaly bullshit lol
why is your burning if iam using 2 account
you can report when there will be a rule for multi accounting :)

Resolved Reports / Re: Super_sens aka dodgeo-mama abuse+multi account
« on: December 29, 2020, 09:32:05 pm »
admin will look and make u understand 
case close for me till admin reply

Resolved Reports / Re: Super_sens aka dodgeo-mama abuse+multi account
« on: December 29, 2020, 08:22:46 pm »
u can use /ignore https://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=10846.0
secondly since when multi accounting in ec is against the rules? everybody is doing multi accounting if admin starting checking every single players alias everyone will be including in multi accounting even you yourself for sure.

Server Suggestions / Re: Suggestion - Remove Rocket limit
« on: December 24, 2020, 10:55:01 pm »
+1 kar

Ban Appeals / Re: Unban Appeal - [MK]cool3
« on: December 18, 2020, 09:44:58 pm »
When a rasict and provoker like super_sense can get ban duration reduced then why not me i am even apologizing for the rulebreak i was unaware of!


as i have already said this person is just trying to be over innocent in his post but he is completely weird and cheap kind of person.
look at your self before calling me rasict and provoker.
this pic are bit older but he had not over come his attitude he is same as he was.




Ban Appeals / Re: Unban Appeal - [MK]cool3
« on: December 18, 2020, 07:34:35 pm »
sorry for interfering but again I am here with some logic, can you prove even a single proof that you were using flame thrower on danish cause you are mentioning  danish for a days and trying to involve him in your lame excuse without any of the prove. but he didn't give a single f**k on your report which were made by stewie2k, if admin will unban you because of your clan war going on in EC so then i can assure you that half of VCMP community will join f2 to save their ass's to get rid out of ban even i myself.

PS stay with your words u said you won't beg for mercy

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