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Messages - zy0

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Resolved Reports / Re: Zyo/ IX evade
« on: January 23, 2021, 10:28:26 pm »
who said i record all the time? no I don't. sometimes i record but not everytime. admins can decide better.

let me clear little. if u knock me and shoot m4 to my head it takes 2-3 seconds where i can do fake timeout but wait u knock me quickly shot one spaz bullet and i got no damage.
when i was knocked by ur punch the powercut happened. which is normal.

Resolved Reports / Re: Zyo/ IX evade
« on: January 23, 2021, 09:33:27 pm »
and as usual your excuses are really weak to prove your Innocence.
as usual you guys can't get me banned. ;)

admins can decide, its upto them. And tell me how can i fake timeout in this short time if u have iq? leadership of your is shit already ignore it

Resolved Reports / Re: Zyo/ IX evade
« on: January 23, 2021, 08:02:00 pm »
when i got knocked by his punch at the same time i got powercut

and kindly look carefully at 0:15 when he punched he suddenly shoot me too which got me no damage. how can I fake timeout that much quickly?

for your brain and iq @Killer frost^ when someone fake timeout they dont run after standing up after knock they stand at their place. dumb leader of f2.

Resolved Reports / Re: Lumberjack-False mute on discord
« on: January 16, 2021, 07:30:16 pm »
Why didnt u mute others when they posted something on that channel.. opsie , they were ur friends.
Can you stop your bullshit hatred? You guys are totally trash honestly, finding silly reasons to prove yourself better than mds which can never happen.

I am stew who posted video twice around channels in ec discord.
Nice try buddy.
member=51]cool3[/member]  when some player was sending video in wrong channel and broly was continuously warning that player and dark ninja just said that “bro its ec rule so u have to follow otherwise broly or lumber sir will ban you.” Nd he only sent this in media channel so stop lying and if u are right then prove me wrong.
Dark ninja said that in several channels, #ec-chat #off-topic #ec pics vids

As he was addressing me. What now? He may have deleted some msgs, but he spammed around channels.

Poor lame evidences to prove yourself better will not work, trash. Also it was your leader aka killer frost's ownage video that's why your asses are burning more.

Server Suggestions / Re: Server Suggestion - /spawnwep sets
« on: January 09, 2021, 02:52:26 pm »
-1 it will make newbies confused and as well as /spawnwep cmd confusing,
Don't tell me you were confused too mr. Newbie xD

+1 for it, newbies don't know shit about server they can seek help from players or by server.
Dumb for a reason.

Resolved Reports / Re: Player report - You_are
« on: January 07, 2021, 03:43:40 am »
Stop blaming unless you got proof to say if it was me, I'm thankful to everyone who voted you as dumb of the year, also whoever this guy is idk but what he said I totally second it and you deserve this.
Salty asshole

if you had 100 hp some braindeads might have belived but with 17 hp jumping in water and giving lame excuses is interesting :D OK NO MORE REPLIES BRB!
just go and shove your ass harding your useless replies are making you more lame than you actually are.
i am leaving it up to admins


you can reply video twice but the moment that was captured you cant repeat it twice UNINTENTIONALLY.

you will need degrees of physics to understand what i said above.

>why would i post video of my side?
to let admins know what mistake i actually made, your video couldn't prove that it was intentionally or not. but my video can

as you can see in my video @staff. i was not focused on front-view. and i made a mistake.

why am i talking to 0 iq player actually. admins will take a fair decision now and you will again cry lol
yeah lets see who is lame

you dont stay on your words and i hope you will reply again. and yeah raged kid its okay keep abusing family

nothing but a mistake i made, i didnt mean to evade i was running and i was not focused infront of myself as you can see in my video i pressed scroll button to look behind and thats why i lost my focus and got into water.

i apologize to staff for that mistake, it will not happen again thanks

and i dont need to evade to kill easy pigs like harding mom. my intentions was not to evade, apologizes again i will take care of it next time

Resolved Reports / Re: [f2]darkninja - suspicious tools
« on: December 26, 2020, 12:41:28 pm »
He doesn't know the bug and he did it two times infront of me.

He doesnt know anything about case #1 so moving on
What? How can your mouse produce such bug? Lol
Its irrelevant answer to the question and evidence i posted against you.

Resolved Reports / Re: [f2]darkninja - suspicious tools
« on: December 25, 2020, 06:18:08 pm »
Sar your report is great me hacker lmao.

Permanently banned.
Thanks for reporting.
Have a nice day.

Staff will take care no need of any explanation.
ahahahaha so funny bro hahah

Resolved Reports / Re: Stewie2k - racism
« on: December 25, 2020, 06:15:08 pm »
lmfao you mean I've been racist to your mother now? LOOOOL

Resolved Reports / Re: =F2=KilleR_FrosT - Swearing / High Abuse
« on: December 25, 2020, 06:13:04 pm »
I know some "Keyboard warriors like you" who type shit sitting behind the screen tho i dare you to tell this on me face so that i can teach you a better lesson.
Imnot replying here again but my toxic behaviour is becuase of these cowards mofos who fights/abuse over some old ass game.
Staff can proceed with whatever decision they make.
12yo kids cannot do shit. You are the one who's toxic all over vcmp, and everyone here knows how F2/ek abuses others first. Even if you meet me irl you will pee in your pants kid.
I would say i started abusing that day ok? Ukhaar lay kya ukhaar sakta he!

That's weird @stewie2k how you can come with the report when you abuse his mother first ?, am i missing something ? i need full explination from your side 
Is there any difference of swearing/high abuse and normal provoking?
With this report: https://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=10921.0
if freaker roasts/abuses him then its called provoking right? Its normal and everyone does it in server which can also be handled with /ignore.
But swearing and high abusing is something else you cant do shit about. He did this not once but twice as provided by hazard.

Everyone in server do family abuse and provoke why dont they use /ignore? and rather than that they start to swear and use these kind of words?
so if harding mom provoked freaker and freaker said those 'die of corona' words then why was he warned? Same case here. But different victims. I hope you get me

Resolved Reports / Re: =F2=KilleR_FrosT - Swearing / High Abuse
« on: December 25, 2020, 04:35:11 pm »
Yes, I asked hazard to report on this guy. These immature kids will never learn.

When you can't roast someone then start swearing ~f2/ek

Resolved Reports / Solved [f2]darkninja - suspicious tools
« on: December 25, 2020, 03:38:21 pm »
Player Nick: [F2]DarkNinja
Date: 23/12/2020
Reason for reporting: Using some slide tools or some suspicious tool
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc):
Extra Notes: its not the first time, actually when i joined server freshly i encountered this suspicious activity by him then i started recording and caught him doing it.
he was not only for me, you can see tigher shooting him m60 with chill just as I was. Means he had done something suspicious there.

I saw many F2/ek involving in each other reports to defend their friends. Punishment should be given and also they are not supposed to defend someone without any proof and only ''it happens when'' ''i saw many players'' etc. Get a life guys. You are proving yourself more suspicious.
Admins can check their reports are increasing day to day.

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