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Pages: [1]
Server Suggestions / Re: Shortcut vehiculeS ID
« on: June 11, 2023, 10:19:39 pm »
Maybe try to remember ids it's not so hard, and if you can't, it doesn't take long to see list of veh.
Resolved Reports / Banned XxDavidXd79 - hacks
« on: May 17, 2023, 03:12:10 pm »
Player Nick: [THC]XxDavidXd79
Date: Yesterday
Reason for reporting: Hacks usage, super gernade hacks
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)
Extra notes:
He throws many generades at once without any throwing animation, furthermore lynch also says he uses aimlock.
Date: Yesterday
Reason for reporting: Hacks usage, super gernade hacks
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)
Extra notes:
He throws many generades at once without any throwing animation, furthermore lynch also says he uses aimlock.
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