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Messages - juanvc

Pages: [1]
Server Suggestions / Re: Suggestion - Remove Rocket limit
« on: December 24, 2020, 10:27:00 pm »

Clans Archive / Re: [DnA] Dark Negative Anti-Social
« on: December 06, 2020, 12:19:38 am »
what is wrong with this guy lol? someone should ban him from the forums if he keeps reopening old clans everyday. What's next TRC? lmao

Resolved Reports / Re: Report
« on: July 25, 2020, 05:39:37 am »
yea i did it, so you could have omitted that long ass text that looked like your heritage will, you can also leave that crap " its not the first time i have seen him doing it" to seek for a severe punishment because the last time i played for more than 5 min on EC was in mid-late 2017, also ryxen isnt part of SS clan since like 2 years more or less so you could at least get your info a bit updated and think twice or thrice before writing whatever shit comes first upon your mind.

i didnt know it wasnt allowed since i got knocked by this guy's nades while he was on 2nd floor at building and i was on 1st floor and to be more concrete i was far away from building stairs that means that he was also doing wallglitching but im not a recording whore that needs to be recording every second of the gameplay just to gain some credit towards the staff and also needs to buy an extra 500 GB HDD  to save all the possible rulebreaks recorded.

I was also warned by sanaullah and fulton in our clan chat about it and i immediatelly stopped doing it.

Account Supports / transfer
« on: January 21, 2018, 10:14:28 pm »
Old nick:jUan*_
New nick:[SS]juan*
Reason why you're transferring your account: joined ss clan

Account Supports / transfer
« on: December 25, 2017, 02:02:49 am »
Old nick:=TRC=jUan*
New nick:jUan*_
Reason why you're transferring your account: left the clan, do it asap thanks in advance

Resolved Reports / Re: =TRC=jUan* - wallglitch
« on: December 21, 2017, 05:41:20 am »

Resolved Reports / Re: Forum Re-report
« on: March 06, 2017, 02:14:26 am »
lol this is getting fun a rage-spree report from ujibua, its also fun to see you reporting when you're one of the major disrespecting players out here, just take a look at your own team forum lol and yes i stand by my point you're an hypocrite and thats not an insult its a fact and also an adjective to someone who acts with hypocrisy.(you, if its not clear enough)
I'd also like to request this guy being warned or smth for making no-sense reports in a very short space of time since 80% of his reports are wrong and dumb and came out from his rage.
Now dont report me for commenting in your report topic, remember im involved in it and allowed to reply, just wanted to point it out in case your rage-spree-report doesnt let you see things clear. :*

Resolved Reports / Re: Report
« on: March 03, 2017, 10:38:52 pm »
I know you from the times you were asslicking tical and being a fag to get status on xe back in 2009 with that pov pc of yours, besides that you still suck, you're an hypocrite and you come here reporting ppl for smth ppl from your WK team  does.
Unlike you i dont provide nor use 3rd party programs which could be considered as cheating ( thats why youre banned on MK ctf) nor i use shitty third programs to have a better accurance when using m4 and long weps.
I dont use speed gear i play with a fresh VC copy, unlike you XyoubemyDAD, TLK.slow and all your cheating crew.
its also fun how youre reporting ppl that dont belong to your cheating team for the same offense youre reporting me and other two players.
report hyperzon2 and that 4kumas or w/e as well, its ppl from your team whos permabanned from a few servers not me.

PD: its incredibly funny seeing hackers trying to report me for hacking l0l, just lol nice try UJIBUA try better later,
This goes for the staff, you can ban me if you want but i never cheated ujibua has gone mad  and started fake reporting ppl for smth his own WK team does, you know many of these guys that play as medics use 3rd party programs to take advantage but still you dont do nothing, cos you dont want to lose playercount i could understand it, but i wont tolerate a hacker like ujibua reporting me when the first one hacking is him lol and many of his mates.

Resolved Reports / Re: trc juan
« on: January 22, 2017, 12:03:08 am »
Hunting is just an over cocky cheating mad virgin kid, now besides that, i didnt evade nor i paused the game in the middle of the fight, blitz popped his head so seeing he was not gonna kill me for like 10 secs or so I checked smth i had to check in windows plus all that blood was cos blitz headshot him.

the reason of this report being posted is hunting getting butthurt when someone dares to insult his so beloved russian cheaters so he goes and make fake reports like the submissive kiddo he is, Id also like to request him being punished for doing fake reports.

Pages: [1]