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Messages - Siezer

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General Discussion / Vice War 9 : Lost in Liberty
« on: March 30, 2020, 02:58:31 pm »

Vice Underdogs clan presents the 9th Edition of Vice War. The event will be held in the upcoming Summers. We are looking forward for your participation.
Please visit our clan forum for event details:
Vice Underdogs Home
Vice War Information
Vice War Registration

Vice War 9 : Lost in Liberty

Liberty City Stories Map
This edition of Vice War will be played on the Liberty City Stories Map - Portland area.

Special thanks to the LCS-DM Community - rww and Piterus for making this possible.
We will be using the Winter Edition of the map, in...June... because yes.

Protect/Kill the Boss game mode
Vice War 9 has an approach similar to protect the president or kill the boss modes. Each team would have a boss, which would grant valuable points on eliminating. This edition emphasizes on the driving skills of players along with the fighting skills. Expect a lot of chases, hot pursuits to hunt down the boss.
Teams will have to prioritize between killing the enemy boss and protecting their own.

Small map - The playing area is roughly the size of downtown.
Minimap On - All player blips will be visible, with different colors for bosses.
Ground action - No helis, planes, boats. Just ground action.
All ingredients for a massive deathmatch fest.

New Administration System
We will be trying out a new administrative system, which will be report based.
Each time you report a player, it will generate a case that is assigned to a specific admin on rotation. The admin will be given the direct responsibility and ownership of that case and the information will be transparent to the reporter.
This will also accompany with statistics - Punishments, reports, admin handling time, admin response time.

LederART(tm) was used in the design to bring GangstaRas out of retirement.

General Discussion / Re: Bullshit
« on: March 17, 2017, 01:02:36 am »
This is actually bullshit. This is the crappiest shit one would ever take. I don't think no other decision can be this much full of shit as this one is. I had a slight notion that this fucking decision will be against me. I sloged my ass off to make you realize that it is not a speed gear but a simple lag/glitch/slide. Oh well, that's that.

I had heared that the staff team is full of dumb asses but now i have personally experienced it. That was such a clummy thing that they did. No doubt, i respected you all a lot but after this decision i don't give a shit about you.

I can no longer continue in this showground of injustice and punks. So, i won't ever play in this server full of dotards. I truely congartulate you on having such a clumsy and lousy server and the staff team is to be held accountable for this lousiness. I fucking quit. Peace out.

VU only knows how to lag and glitch.

Mr, you should feel ahsamed because your clan is full of hackers they only know how to use a hack, to invent a hack and share a hack. Don't pretend to be what you are not, Mr.smatass.

Admin Reports / Re: Azulej- Admin Report
« on: March 16, 2017, 03:29:12 pm »
It's a shame that you people cannot spot the difference between lag and the speed gear.

It was all normal. Yes i acknowledge i was quite fast because i glitch/slide a lot and along side there was also a problem of lag.

 The lag was continous in the begning but as i played along it went alright . It was all fine and the factor which gave you notion of my using a speed gear was the high rate of glitch/slide. The lag continued for a specific interval of time but as i played along it disappeared and you accused me that i turned off the speed gear at this point.

Admin Reports / Re: Azulej- Admin Report
« on: March 13, 2017, 02:29:55 am »
Well, whoever has took this decision he will have made on the basis of evidence.
Post the evidence so I might know what sort of speed gear i am using as you accuse.

Admin Reports / Re: Azulej- Admin Report
« on: March 11, 2017, 07:32:22 pm »
You are a staff member and you should definitely know the difference between unban appeal and report. These two are poles apart from each other. Don't you know the difference ?

Why should i make an unban appeal when i have not done anything wrong ? I ought to be making an unban appeal when i might be wrong. Since i haven't done anything wrong then why should i be sorry ?

And secondly, I reported because of his incompetency, wrong and poor decision. I sought to seek an explanation for this decision. Why should i not make an admin report when an admin has taken the wrong decision. It is my right to ask and i will.
I think i have made myself clear.

Admin Reports / Re: Azulej- Admin Report
« on: March 11, 2017, 03:54:19 pm »
you provide or give Evidence
Not any admin.
Admin work is only warn,ban or unban
that why... he get a evidence about other player then take action on it.
and some time admin playing with other name in own server.
Reason: thats why.... other player tell him bla bla person use bla bal hacks.
then admin check it . then he ban other person

Mr. Who the hell do you think you are to poke your ass in a matter in which you are not friggin' needed. The wisdom with which you are tellin' me all this shit you should use that same wisdom to know that you can't speak in a report you ain't have got your butt involved. It is damn frustrating man. Keep your what so called "edifying advice" to yourself only. Shut up and hold your horses maniac and let the professionals do their job.  View these rules in the link below smartass.

Admin Reports / Azulej- Admin Report
« on: March 11, 2017, 03:03:44 pm »
Admin nick: Azulej
Your nick: tblo12
Reason for report: Wrong decision
Evidence: N/A
Extra notes: 
First of all I usually play with undercover nick and y'all surely be aware of that. I was playing with nick tblo12 . And secondly a spooky trend of banning someone because of the speed gear has come into existence.

 I have been banned by your admin for a GOD-FORSAKEN thing which I haven't  done. I can't get my head around it on what basis he kinda banned me man!!!!! I neither fought with him nor met him definitely he will have a proof otherwise no one will ban someone gratuitously.

 If you have any proof of me using a speed gear then do post it, i will really appreciate it . I have'nt used any speed gear if playing like that  called as speed gear them I ain't can do shit about it.

 I was just playing the way as I usually play no big deal and and and Ryne who is the admin of your server also tested me . According to him I was all cool. well, anyways, post the proof I'll really commend that.

 This really has bewildered me fellas . I have been banned for such a thing which I have not even done. This really is driving me nuts . Provide the evidence I need to answer my mates for such a thing which I ain't have done.

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