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Messages - HaseeB^

Pages: [1]
Resolved Reports / x35/[KF]Thunder^ - Wall Glitch
« on: June 29, 2019, 12:54:17 am »
Player Nick:  x35/[KF]Thunder^
Date: 20/06/2019
Reason for reporting: Wall glitch
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc):

Extra notes: .

Awards 2017 / Re: Best player of the year 2017
« on: December 04, 2017, 08:10:52 pm »
  • Most improved player of the year:
  • Most rudest player of the year:
  • Most smartest player of the year:
  • Problematic player of the year:
  • Friendliest player of the year:
  • Chainsaw pro player of the year:
  • Dumbest player of the year:
  • Best headshoter of the year:
  • Best runner of the year:
  • Best driver(include all vehicles) of the year:
  • Best rule-breaker of the year:
  • Best shooter of the year:
  • Best reporter of the year:
  • Best ban-evader of the year:

General Discussion / @Zeeshan
« on: November 06, 2017, 05:51:29 pm »
Mate am not banned, i am not banned i can come in the server but just said this for the acknowledgment of the staff. Sorry if you can't understand the topic so why are you using instant action. I said ; That that Mr.Haseeb isn't me okay may be if somebody misunderstands that that's he might report for ban evasion or admin may ban me.
So for this information i though to let you know that am still [F2]HaseeB^ not that guy. As i said that ban him with another nick that means Config a way that i will not have to explain everybody about my matter. Zeeshan i know you are an admin that doesn't mean you can insult anybody without any valid proof just a statement ?
 I hope I made you people understand.

General Discussion / The Haseeb which is reported today isn't me.
« on: November 06, 2017, 12:04:40 am »
I am [F2]HaseeB^ .
Probably, most of the player know me i don't come with any alternative nick in EC server. Just [F2]HaseeB^ is my identity.
Mr.Haseeb nick is used as provoke and is used by "irfan" he is a player  even i don't know his accurate nick.
He's been provoking my name since i was inactive someday for study purpose. This has happened to me many in Vks so My only request is that ban that guy with
another nick and don't ban me with this misunderstanding that that's me.
And this provoking is done by him not me. 
Thank You!

Pages: [1]