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Messages - SaMiR^

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
Resolved Reports / Player report : HeadShot - hack
« on: August 11, 2022, 12:27:28 am »
Player nick: HeadShot.exe
Date: today
Reason for reporting: Anti knock
Evidence :
Extras note:

Resolved Reports / Warned Player report : -
« on: August 07, 2022, 10:41:42 pm »
Player Nick : SyNe_sDaD
Reason for reporting:   joining with abusive nick + family abusing
Date: today
Extras note : I heard that when somebody breaks the server rules with an underalias nick, admins allowed to leak his alias. hence, i'd like to know his real nick.

Admin Reports / Denied Admin report : Blitz
« on: June 23, 2022, 07:03:10 am »
Admin nick: blitz
Your nick: [KF]SyNe
Date: yesterday
Reason for report: banning me blindly without waiting for my defense
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc) https://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=12101.0

Resolved Reports / Re: CryGay - Ammo hack
« on: June 23, 2022, 06:43:20 am »
If this is the case then [KF]SyNe should be banned too

... maybe it's true as gerz knows about these things very well since he is a ex KF

Any explanation?
nothing new, just an old report caused by desync which was already solved by sana 2 years ago

Resolved Reports / Re: lagger /RT.66sick - game modifications / hack
« on: April 30, 2022, 04:29:59 am »
What skin ID does he have there? Could you confirm if your skin is not modified ingame?

As you can see in this video, we've run some tests, with players that are using the original gta vc with no modifications, and they all got headshot, it just shows that 66sick is using some kind of game modifications, even in RTV server he was accused of using head protection, and all he replied with was "i'm playing on 4k thats why wide screen", Fulton and GerZ have sussed him for a long time, btw we added picture of the players's game we tested this with, to prove that they're not using winter mod or anything

Resolved Reports / Solved lagger /RT.66sick - game modifications / hack
« on: April 30, 2022, 12:31:31 am »
Player Nick: lagger
Date: today
Reason for reporting: game modifications / some sort of hack
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc) everything is crystal clear on this video

Extra notes: its not the first time he is getting accused of cheating. many players have accused him of hacks from time to time and logs can prove it even his own clan mate hazard has witnessed it.

Resolved Reports / Re: Syne - Insult to a dead person
« on: March 23, 2022, 06:23:36 am »
so basically I was having a normal conversation with Gogeta ( No insults or any kind of roasting took place ) as you can see here :

then dark_wolf randomly came to my mind, so I thought of reminding Gogeta to visit his graveyard, since that's what we tend to do as muslims but I unintentionally
made a joke, due to my wrong usage of words, which he considered as an insult for dark_wolf.
moreover, I tried to explain that to him, that it was just a misunderstanding etc... but instead of understanding, he went aggressive on me and started brutally family abusing and country abusing me, along with hazard.

but I do apologise from my side... and we should take this opportunity to pray for dark_wolf and recite Qur'an on his behalf, rather than fighting over these things...
--May Allah (SWT) grant them higher place/ranks in Jannah.

Resolved Reports / Re: Woozie^ aka Gohan - pause evade
« on: March 02, 2022, 07:31:27 am »
PD: Syne fake report hhhh it was demigod. its your partner but comunity is not stupid.
[ OFF TOPIC] Am not gonna waste my time again arguing with you since i already had cleared and debunked all of what u accused me here : https://forum.vc-mp.org/?topic=8431

Back to the topic, I would like to provide a few videos that I have of Gohan using the lag tool against me and other players,
Gohan is well known for his shitty past with WK, where he got banned multiple times on multiple servers for the possession of hacks,
I'd recommend adding him to the watchlist where you can speculate what that rat uses whenever he plays,
plus he always gets away with what he uses due to his admin rank in most servers plus his clanmates such as Gorcee who'd deny this report just to save his clanmate'.. 
as gerz said, this gohan is reporting others for hacks while he himself is using them.

Server Suggestions / Re: Server - Suggestion
« on: January 05, 2022, 04:35:40 am »

Resolved Reports / Re: [VU_R]Tic family abuse
« on: November 16, 2021, 10:48:15 pm »
Player Nick: [VU_R]Tic
Date: Now
Reason for reporting: Insulting the family for no reason
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mL35C8g97uDkAd2cZYX9j8V6UlKn_e8L/view?usp=sharing
Extra notes: it's clear
as you can see here:

, i didn't have joined the server since 3 days (which proves that i haven't said any single word to him) but this tic still insulting family behind my back just because i exposed his level of rage 15days ago :


General Discussion / Re: @Human I need an explanation
« on: November 07, 2021, 06:00:47 am »
this Danish acts with rage due to his weak knowledges in server administration. i wonder how he got accepted in staff even tho he plays from a cafe and does not even owns a pc.
plus it was only a misunderstanding between me and tic. we came up with a conclusion at the end.

Resolved Reports / Denied Player report : [DU]Pavonis - hack
« on: November 07, 2021, 05:51:26 am »
Player Nick: [DU]Pavonis
Date:  yesterday
Reason for reporting: Suspicious Activity
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc):
in this video, u can see how he fell down from my shotgun at [0:20 - 0:25]

but here its different.

watch clearly from [0:21 to 0:26] how he didnt get knocked
ping/fps checked at : 0:35
Extras note : more evidence that he uses something :

Resolved Reports / Re: Aymen.2002 - Death evade
« on: June 15, 2021, 12:14:36 am »
Player Nick: Aymen.2002
Date: yesterday
Reason for reporting: death evade via killing himself with grenade
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)
Extra notes: -
Since aymen doesn't have an account here, he told me in facebook to reply.
on his behalf.
so what simply happend was that aymen tried to throw the grenade above that iron box but it hit on the top and bounced back at him.

Resolved Reports / Re: MasterOz - Aimbot or aurora.
« on: June 04, 2021, 06:39:58 am »

General Discussion / Re: HELP ME GUYS
« on: May 23, 2021, 07:14:51 pm »
i click a server and gta-vc.exe has stopped working :/ who can help me pls :c

stop aurora from task manager and try again

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