- Total Time Spent Online:
- 14 days, 14 hours and 0 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 1190 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 180 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 7 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 13 votes
- 12 am
- 1 am
- 2 am
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- 1 pm
- 2 pm
- 3 pm
- 4 pm
- 5 pm
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- 9 pm
- 10 pm
- 11 pm
- Resolved Reports
366 posts of the member's 1190 posts (30.76%)366
- Server Suggestions
266 posts of the member's 1190 posts (22.35%)266
- Clans Archive
96 posts of the member's 1190 posts (8.07%)96
- General Discussion
90 posts of the member's 1190 posts (7.56%)90
- Support Room
52 posts of the member's 1190 posts (4.37%)52
- VC:MP Clans
46 posts of the member's 1190 posts (3.87%)46
- Ban Appeals
39 posts of the member's 1190 posts (3.28%)39
- Bug Reports
37 posts of the member's 1190 posts (3.11%)37
- Admin Reports
36 posts of the member's 1190 posts (3.03%)36
- Account Supports
25 posts of the member's 1190 posts (2.10%)25
- Awards 2021
8 posts of the board's 23 posts (34.78%)34.78%
- Awards 2022
6 posts of the board's 23 posts (26.09%)26.09%
- Server Memories
276 posts of the board's 3401 posts (8.12%)8.12%
- Completed Matches
9 posts of the board's 141 posts (6.38%)6.38%
- EC Event
17 posts of the board's 277 posts (6.14%)6.14%
- Bettings
5 posts of the board's 104 posts (4.81%)4.81%
- Support Room
52 posts of the board's 1137 posts (4.57%)4.57%
- Server Suggestions
266 posts of the board's 6888 posts (3.86%)3.86%
- Chat Room
78 posts of the board's 2135 posts (3.65%)3.65%
- VC:MP Clans
46 posts of the board's 1267 posts (3.63%)3.63%