Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can):So basically these days EC is full of aurora users who uses grenade attacher and it's impossible to escape, and lots of players's stats gets ruined by that, so since these ban evaders aurora users aren't even supposed to be playing in the server, I think we should be allowed to death evade against them in order to save our stats from being ruined
Extra notes: I think this will balance stuff, since EC's admins are always inactive when there's a hacker around, which causes lots of players's stats to be ruined by such hackers, so death evading will make it easier to save our stats against those lifeless ppl
EDIT : make this a temporary solution until
@Human. adds that verify system back,
Basically once you add that system back, Hackers will be so desperate unable to join the server even if they ban evaded it'll be pointless, EC would be the best server by that time