Nickname: [MKs]Danish
Past Nicknames: Danish,JaCk,Dx[R]xM,Ak_Danish007
Country/Timezone: Pakistan / GMT +5
Playing in EC since: 3 years
Average week/hours playtime in EC: 4/5 hours per day, everyday in a week.
Ever banned on EC in-game/forum? If yes, Explain: No
What you can offer to server being a staff member: Well I can handle the stuff of administrator and I'm experienced enought to get that rank and wanted to help EC's staff to clean garbage from the server such as hackers,rulebreakers. Plus i'm active enough in the server to cover the different timezones..
Any Experience Past/Present?
+ Attachments and other options
Vice city cops and robbers DM - manager
Low gravity - moderator
Any other information You all know me very well, so if you have any doubts or have anything to ask fell free to go i will answer your questions... Thanks for Reading