Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) Forum / Server both
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): My suggestion is add packs of language in this forum and there should be a button above to select the language for those specially who can't speak English clearly. Some players don't know rules only because of communication problems, they can't even understand rules. Most of the players play in-game so my second suggestion is to add a pack of language in the server too. If someone is ready to handle the job of adding language in the server so he should be implemented in the work of server. There should be a Helper rank in the forum, if someone is doing work for staff e.g like adding different languages in the server which he knows. Like I know Sindhi so I'm given the job of adding Sindhi language in the server I'll get helper rank in the forum.
There should be no extra permissions in the helper rank but only it is highlighted with some color like sky blue or e.t.c. If someone want to contribute his services so that's a good idea. The third thing is specially and must for rules. Players who don't know rules, it should be added on the forums too. Add a pack of languages in the forum or invite some people or server players who clearly know their country-language or area language can add the language on the forums. Those who select other languages other than English should see the rules in their language. I'm not talking about the whole forum chat, just only rules, board names and server information only.
Extra notes: I can add a few more lines if needed.