I actually have a valid reason this time, whether you guys choose to believe me or not, I'll leave that upon you guys, but I can assure you that no lies are being told here... after all I'm not stupid to break such a rule after I was unbanned in ec just 3 days ago lmao...
so basically, those who are familiar with windows 10, may be familiar with this warning message,
it's not a general warning msg that comes up without disturbing anything, all the times I've had it, it's minimized / disturbed my games, happened quite a few times, even when I had been playing league of legends etc... so basically I was fighting with alonewarrior, and that message appeared which minimized my game I rushed and clicked close so that I can reopen the game, sadly since he's a hater, he instantly left claiming that he's going to report, so I just waited in order to give my explanation here
this was the cause of the warning msg, which has lead to this situation, I do apologize for whatever has happened and hoping that the staff will be able to trust upon me, I'm not stupid to do something as such especially since I was unbanned here just 3 days ago...