Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) Server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): My suggestion is to add at-least three spawn weapons set list. I needed this a lot and it's lengthy to write names of all weapons everytime we make a change so I want to suggest that there should be at-least two or three sets of /spawnwep
Like I have added two sets
1st - /spawnwep molotovs shot m4 mp5 m60 laser
2nd - /spawnwep grenades spaz rugur ing m60 laser
Then to activate spawnwep set 1/2/3 we use /spawnwep activate <1,2,3>
Extra notes: I felt the need of this because I can't write /spawnwep everytime I go to other locations.
There is other way too.. like I have this spawn weapons.. /spawnwep molotov shot m4 mp5 m60 laser so I don't have to re-write all the sentence.. I'll just do /spawnwep grenade spaz rugur so these weapons will be replaced with the previous ones, no other changes.. just replacement and if a person wants to reset his spawnwep set then /spawnwep reset