Admin nick: =TLA=SanaullaH^
Your nick: zwkdzt
Date: Yesterday
Reason for report: Partial/Unfair administration with his friends , as all knows in VCMP history we need be impartial if we are admins , even if my friends broke the rules i need to punish them , in this time fulton was insulting my mom and spamming that via discord but sanaullah didnt care about it , and i told him to mute fulton from discord but he said things with no sense like " if you duel me in 1v1 , i will mute fulton" or similar things , i dont know how he is EC Administrator when he abuse of his power shunning players without previous explanation of the warn , he isnt ready for this rank...:/ ec need be fair and this guy isnt fair and matture.
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc) Fulton insulting my mom and sanaulalh ignoring and mocking of that
Extra notes: The profile of admins is like this guy? an admin need joking about the rest players and his family? admin should abuse and provoke the rest of neutral players?