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Author Topic: Moon.Fish - Impostering/Breaching Accounts  (Read 441 times)

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Offline Brian

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Moon.Fish - Impostering/Breaching Accounts
« on: April 30, 2017, 06:52:38 pm »
Player Nick: Moon.Fish aka Jan^ aka m60^
Date: 4/30/2017
Reason for reporting: Impostering/breaching accounts, impostering staff members.
Code: [Select]
[12:34:03]  --- Aliases for UIDv2 of:[ Moon.Fish ] ---
[12:34:03]  - Moon.Fish, CF.Don11^, CF.Don11., [CF]Don11., CFr.Don11, CF.Don11
[12:34:03]  - [CFr]Don11, [CF]Nawghty_boy, aZ^, AZ^, m60, m60^
[12:34:03]  - =CF=Febulous., VivO^, Xroder^, XroDer., Xroder, XroDer^
[12:34:03]  - [ON]HunTinG, DarkFox, Dark_King, KrisH, Krish., KrisH.
[12:34:03]  - [NyB]Don., [NYB]Don., [NYB]Don, Dark_zero, Io., [PU]Sameer^*
[12:34:03]  - [PU]Sameer*^, [OFF]Tom, [SS]Daniel, [OSK_R]cool3., [OSK_R]cool3, [MK]Halchter
[12:34:03]  - [CF]Zorro[W], FullFilled^, FulllFilled^, =CF=Rami^, 3x^, Jan^
[12:34:03]  - jh, [FKt]FyTronTy, =ULK=Noire, =ULK=Norie, =CF=AThar., [hg_
[12:34:03]  - G_T_A^, G_T_A., G_T_A, [CF]F.., M4^
[12:34:42]  >> Admin =ULK=Noire Kicked:[ Moon.Fish ] Reason:[ Impostering staff members, expect to be permanently banned ]

Code: [Select]
<%Brian> !alias Moon.Fish
<+EC|Bot1> --- Alias for UID2:[ 6fcddf06ee973................................. ] ---
<+EC|Bot1> - Moon.Fish, CF.Don11^, CF.Don11., [CF]Don11., CFr.Don11, CF.Don11, [CFr]Don11, [CF]Nawghty_boy, aZ^, AZ^, m60, m60^, =CF=Febulous., VivO^, Xroder^, XroDer., Xroder, XroDer^, [ON]HunTinG, DarkFox, Dark_King, KrisH, Krish., KrisH., [NyB]Don., [NYB]Don., [NYB]Don, Dark_zero, Io., [PU]Sameer^*, [PU]Sameer*^, [OFF]Tom, [SS]Daniel, [OSK_R]cool3., [OSK_R]cool3, [MK]Halchter, [CF]Zorro[W], FullFilled^, FulllFilled^, =CF=Rami^, 3x^, Jan^, jh, [FKt]FyTron
<%Brian> !kick moon Breaching accounts
<+EC|Bot1> [Kicks] Admin:[ Brian ] Kicked:[ Moon.Fish ] Reason:[ Breaching accounts ]

Code: [Select]
<%Brian> !kick FS1D1. Permanently banned, breaching 20+ accounts, including attempts to enter Staff members their accounts
<+EC|Bot1> [Kicks] Admin:[ Brian ] Kicked:[ FS1D1. ] Reason:[ Permanently banned, breaching 20+ accounts, including attempts to enter Staff members their accounts ]

Code: [Select]
<+EC|Bot1> [1] Jan^ has joined the server, Country:[ Pakistan ]
<+EC|Bot1> ---> [2] Hyperzon2: got
<+EC|Bot1> [9] Ah.Fahim has left the server.( quit )
<+EC|Bot1> >> Hyperzon2 teleported to player: [ON]Wishwanath, Cost: $100
<+EC|Bot1> >> HARIS1 teleported to player: Hyperzon2, Cost: $100
<+EC|Bot1> ---> [0] Derwaish.: what
<+EC|Bot1> [11] Afaruk59 has left the server.( quit )
<+EC|Bot1> >> Jan^ has successfully logged in.
<+EC|Bot1> >> Admin:[ Brian ] Muted:[ Jan^ ] Duration:[ 4 min(s) ] Reason:[ Easier to see what account you're using to evade me ]
<+EC|Bot1> >> Admin:[ Brian ] Kicked:[ Jan^ ] Reason:[ Breaching accounts ]
<+EC|Bot1> [1] Jan^ has left the server.( kicked )

Code: [Select]
UID2:[ 6fcddf06ee973................................. ]
Moon.Fish 39.51.*.* 8.03 minute(s)
CF.Don11^ 39.51.*.* 55.8 minute(s)
CF.Don11. 39.51.*.* 57.4 minute(s)
[CF]Don11. 39.51.*.* 57.9 minute(s)
CFr.Don11 39.51.*.* 58.5 minute(s)
CF.Don11 39.51.*.* 58.9 minute(s)
[CFr]Don11 39.51.*.* 59.4 minute(s)
[CF]Nawghty_boy 39.51.*.* 1.02 hour(s)
aZ^ 39.51.*.* 1.03 hour(s)
AZ^ 39.51.*.* 1.04 hour(s)
m60 39.51.*.* 1.04 hour(s)
m60^ 39.51.*.* 1.05 hour(s)
=CF=Febulous. 39.51.*.* 1.07 hour(s)
VivO^ 39.51.*.* 1.08 hour(s)
Xroder^ 39.51.*.* 1.09 hour(s)
XroDer. 39.51.*.* 1.09 hour(s)
Xroder 39.51.*.* 1.10 hour(s)
XroDer^ 39.51.*.* 1.11 hour(s)
[ON]HunTinG 39.51.*.* 1.13 hour(s)
DarkFox 39.51.*.* 1.18 hour(s)
Dark_King 39.51.*.* 1.19 hour(s)
KrisH 39.51.*.* 1.20 hour(s)
Krish. 39.51.*.* 1.21 hour(s)
KrisH. 39.51.*.* 1.21 hour(s)
[NyB]Don. 39.51.*.* 1.22 hour(s)
[NYB]Don. 39.51.*.* 1.23 hour(s)
[NYB]Don 39.51.*.* 1.23 hour(s)
Dark_zero 39.51.*.* 1.24 hour(s)
Io. 39.51.*.* 1.28 hour(s)
FullFilled^ 39.51.*.* 1.30 hour(s)
[PU]Sameer^* 39.51.*.* 1.33 hour(s)
[PU]Sameer*^ 39.51.*.* 1.35 hour(s)
[OFF]Tom 39.51.*.* 1.40 hour(s)
[SS]Daniel 39.51.*.* 1.41 hour(s)
[OSK_R]cool3. 39.51.*.* 1.42 hour(s)
[OSK_R]cool3 39.51.*.* 1.42 hour(s)
[MK]Halchter 39.51.*.* 1.43 hour(s)
[CF]Zorro[W] 39.51.*.* 1.44 hour(s)
FulllFilled^ 39.51.*.* 1.48 hour(s)
=CF=Rami^ 39.51.*.* 1.49 hour(s)
3x^ 39.51.*.* 1.52 hour(s)
Jan^ 39.51.*.* 1.58 hour(s)
jh 39.51.*.* 1.67 hour(s)
[FKt]FyTronTy 39.51.*.* 3.89 hour(s)
=ULK=Noire 39.51.*.* 15.1 hour(s)
=ULK=Norie 39.51.*.* 15.1 hour(s)
Jan^ 39.51.*.* 15.4 hour(s)
=CF=AThar. 39.51.*.* 16.1 hour(s)
=CF=Febulous. 39.51.*.* 16.5 hour(s)
=CF=Febulous. 39.51.*.* 2.02 day(s)
[hg_ 39.51.*.* 2.03 day(s)
G_T_A^ 39.51.*.* 2.03 day(s)
G_T_A. 39.51.*.* 2.03 day(s)
G_T_A 39.51.*.* 2.03 day(s)
[CF]F.. 39.51.*.* 2.06 day(s)
M4^ 39.51.*.* 2.82 day(s)

Extra notes: Has been banned before for doing the same thing. Hasn't learned anything and decided to take it to the next level.
Code: [Select]
<%Brian> !banhistory Jan^
<+EC|Bot1> Nick:[ Jan^ ] UID:[ f5f8b131cee89bb.............................] banned by:[ Howl ] reason:[ impersonating other players ] banned on:[ 1.01 month(s) ago ]
<+EC|Bot1> Nick:[ Jan^ ] UID:[ f5f8b131cee89bb.............................] banned by:[ cool3 ] reason:[ evade via pause ] banned on:[ 19.5 day(s) ago ]
These types of players are not condoned here and he should be permanently banned for this.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 08:30:57 pm by cool3 »
"The table is surrounded by politicians who have never placed a foot on the battlefield. It's a disgusting squabble over who gets the largest piece of the pie, and that's why it needs to end. It is for that duty we raised the King. That's why we're fighting."
~A. Kupchenko


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Re: Moon.Fish - Impostering/Breaching Accounts
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2017, 08:30:19 pm »
To be permanently banned