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[01:44:54] *> [MD]DarK_WolF connected. <*[01:44:54] >> [MD]DarK_WolF is connecting from Pakistan.[01:44:54] >> [MD]DarK_WolF has successfully auto logged in.[01:44:54] >> [MD]DarK_WolF teleported to location: duel, Cost: $100[01:44:57] [Top Spree] [MDr]HawK: 154, [ON]Wishwanath: 110, [MD]DarK_WolF: 106, CoCaKoLa^: 102, [MDr]=X=VaMpiRe^: 81, OTMAN: 80, [ON]0x000: 78, KorN.: 77, [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: 74, [VO]S.W.A.T: 74[01:45:05] [Clan Chat-MD] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: lets move to another server[01:45:20] [Clan Chat-MD] [MD]DarK_WolF: lets go[01:45:25] [Clan Chat-MD] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: Mk server[01:45:26] (Team Chat) [MD]DarK_WolF: all type /q !cd[01:45:28] >> [ON]0x000 teleported to location: m2k, Cost: $100[01:45:28] [MD]DarK_WolF: !cd[01:45:29] <==[ 3 ]==>[01:45:30] <==[ 2 ]==>[01:45:31] <==[ 1 ]==>[01:45:32] <==[ Start ]==>[01:45:32] *> [MD]DarK_WolF disconnected. <*[01:45:33] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: mk capture the flag[01:45:38] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: oops[01:45:41] [ON]0x000: nice[01:45:43] *> MD disconnected. <*[01:45:44] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: wrong[01:45:46] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: mistake[01:45:50] [ON]0x000: cry[01:45:52] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: was typing in PM[01:45:57] [Top Clans] ON: 618513, MD: 358571, VU: 287165, CF: 242147, MK: 107684, OSK: 105749, NYB: 97985, DLK: 90720, TRC: 90579, SS: 86399[01:45:58] [ON]0x000: cry me a river[01:46:06] [ON]0x000: tell 0x000 is my dad[01:46:06] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: shutup go report[01:46:19] Private (to [MD]Stitu): come MK ctf[01:46:26] [MD]Stitu: ok[01:46:26] Private (to [MD]Stitu): server[01:46:32] *> [MD]Stitu disconnected. <*[01:46:36] [MD]MAD_K!LL3R: baba skype par ao