I consider everyone equal, wether he is my friend, clan member or enemy( which according to you). The evidence was delivered to me by someone else. You're not new to server.
I see you many times interfering in staff matters with your useless comments reflecting your so called smartness.
I have a question for you, You claim that, you were not aware of the pink skin's new changed default spawnloc pos. How come your dearly friend knew that but you don't? You were telling everyone, that if it was Ryne, he should have reminded us about spawn-killing but you killed him 5 times according to you and then you had a doubt? and asked dark_wolf about this being default spawn loc or lastpos on which dark_wolf replied yes, it is a default location. Basically, Thanks to dark_wolf for stopping you from doing that otherwise you could have killed him more times,
Now, The question arises, isn't it the duty of your clan mate to aware you about spawn-killing at default location? If yes, why didn't he reminded you after 2 or 3 kills? When he was there himself killing him.