Hello everyone. It is S75 here. I have decided to leave this server's community and also I wanted to do a giveaway of total 30,000ECDs.
So I have decided to organize a tournament for the active part of EC community.
1. What will this tournament about?Ans.) This tournament will be about a team 5 on 5 deathmatch where the team with most kills wins a match.2. What will be the format of the match?Ans.) The tournament will be round robin where all team have to fight each and top of the table will be the winner of the match.3. How the kills will be counted?Ans.) A team will have to choose proper skin for whole tournament and I also have logs stored in my files.4. What will be the duration of the match?Ans.) 4 minutes (I will count by stopwatch, don't worry.)5. How many teams can play?Ans.) 6 is the minimum and 8 is the maximum.6. How many player per team?Ans.) 5 players per team.1st- 15,000ECDs
2nd - 10,000ECDs
3rd - 5,000ECDs
(to be separated among players of the team.)
If u have any question regarding the tournament or want to voluteer the tournament, let me know in my discord pm s75.#1915
The intention of this tournament is nothing else but to giveaway my ecds in other ways.
If you want to register, register via given format below
Clan / Team name:-
Captain :-
Players of the team:-
skin :-
Base location :- (bf/s96/po/leaflink/EC/duel)
The registration will start from today to 12th May and we might go for next stage.
Peace out.
Team List
TS - The Shadow2.