Most improved player of the year:F2.Sparker/[F2]DarkNinja/CharlotteFlair
Most rudest player of the year:[MDt]Hazard,[KFt]SyNe,[VU]DiaZ,[ON]HunTpiG,Vegito,Gogeta,M4z Knight
Most smartest player of the year:=F2=KilleR_FrosT [EK]Pavonis aka =EK=45K , =KF=Shy^,[KFt]Burak,[F2]WizZ,[F2]Haseeb,F2.Sparker,[F2]Radon,[KF]ThundeR,[KF]Electron,[EK]PsychedelliC,[KF]Gerz
Problematic player of the year:[KFt]Syne,[ON]HunTPiG,[MDt]Hazard,Vegito,Gogeta,M4z Knight
Friendliest player of the year:[KFt]Burak,[EK]Pavonis Aka =EK=45K,
Dumbest player of the year:=RK=GOD,DeCryZ,[RK]Gardinal,[MDt]Hazard,M4zKnight, HunTing
Best headshoter of the year:[KF]Burak
Best runner of the year:[RK]Gardinal,Decryz,SyNe,All MDs
Best driver(include all vehicles) of the year: =F2=KilleR_FrosT,[F2]WizZ
Best rule-breaker of the year:[MDt]Hazard
Best shooter of the year:[KF]Burak , =EK=45K aka Pavonis , =F2=KilleR_FrosT
Best reporter of the year: =EK=45K aka Pavonis , =F2=KilleR_FrosT
Best ban-evader of the year:[ON]HunTinG,