This lemon doesn't even read the rules lmao,
Forum rules :
You may only post in a report thread if:
1. You are a server administrator.
2. You are the original poster of the report.
3. You are the reported player or one of the reported player.
4. You are one of the listed witnesses that can confirm events occurred or have additional evidence to add.
5. You have additional information that is proved correct & believed can help in solving the report.I provided evidence/information in every single case, a player is only allowed to reply in reports if he has something to add, as per rules, like the video i posted of Gohan using the net cut tool,
and just like Hazard replied here : didn't say anything to him because he provided a similar case/evidence
It's so funny how lifeless/butthurt people like you can get, I guess after getting pwnt ingame, you decided to take it the other way and make false forum reports, such a disgrace.