In-Game nick: [Sb]Hunter
Country: PK
Date you were banned: Unaware
Suspected reason: Hunter ban evade
Admin that banned you: LumberJack
Why should we unban you ?: Because, It was done wrongfully.
Extra note: Dear admin Lumberjack,
I was banned by broly on my PC. I use my pc to play ec only. I was using using laptop this day you ban me. Suddenly, I connected in ec during my ban. I wanted to connect in other server but suddenly, It was done. I got ban by you for this. But after it broly, done a great thing disabled my all accounts until I get unban. So, I request you to remove the ban on me you placed. I will be unbanned on 25th. But, still your ban is on me. I shall be very thankful to you. If you will remove my ban. thanks.