After reading this sentence to make only a few people understand:
Thinh is people from our server, so he and I but on a level much better than me, he invented the skill that one of them is the DS (Double Shot) Perhaps the very virtual skills that people have to look close to normal play out, then see (VKS Visitors to see) And that's one reason why he was pro there. I do not cover even hack my friends to apologize and make me say this before: You do not accept the development of skills, you just want to kick those players only, Article this means that you accept to stand behind him: D. There is a big difference between Hack and skills. But he still lost Hunting and [OFF] Tom. (I should not say for sure some people will understand) this is exactly the case Chlenix1337 Russian side, I know behind the m4 shot Madness is a process that practice.
@ThinhTu Good job buddy, I'm proud of you. Do not worry, I was right behind you there, step by step: D
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