Well based on your video, there were 3 things you could have done.
The first and most obvious was to spawn and run away since you had plenty of time to do so, running to a safe spot and spawning a car there would have been a lot better. Also something I have to remind you, spawning a car on your spawn or when under fire is not allowed since it can be counted as deathevading. I personally got 2 people banned for doing this.
The second thing you could do was shooting back which you opted to do so.
The third and final option was to simply change skins if you didn't want to get raped on your home base.
Now to explain to you exactly what spawnkilling is: "Spawnkilling is the matter of killing someone over and over again on their spawn without the possibility of said player being able to defend himself or move away". There's no timer what so ever that defines what a spawnkill is.
You on the other hand decided to shoot on us immediately when spawning, you lost the right to call it "spawnkilling" the moment you engaged us, it was more than fair for us to shoot you even when you had the opportunity to run away.