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Author Topic: Changelog Script changes( changelog ) #1  (Read 13066 times)

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Offline Human.

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Script changes( changelog ) #1
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:18:14 pm »
EC:VCMP Updates (VCMP 0.4) #1

Updates: [9/5/15]
- Fixed NoGoto & NoStat(/setstat) which were not loaded on login.
- Added country detector.
- To reduce stats padding, server will check the UID of killer and the 'killed' player.
- Fixed flip command.
- Bots auto reconnect when timeout.
- Server's messages set back to yellow & PMs to green( like 0.3 )
- Added more irc commands( staff channel )
- Fixed some bugs.

Updates: [15/5/15]
- Updated country detector for better accuracy.
- Added 'playtime' checker in staff channel.
- Added /setcolor . Change your text color, example: /setcolor [#A8A8A8]  (for grey)

Updates: [19/5/15]
- Updated ban system.
- Edited baninfo cmds.
- Drive-by enabled again. (with limit)

Updates: [24/5/15]
- Updated ban system.
- Updated team system ( cmds ).
- Updated few staff channel cmds. ( getuid, baninfo, ban, lp )
- Updated server cmds. ( baninfo, status )
- Fixed some bugs.
- Time rate has been set to 1000 ms. ( 1 sec )

Updates: [2/6/15]
- Changed kills' tags & rewards.
- Added tax system, server will automatically take $1750 from your account every week.
- Re-positioned current vehicles, added 69 more new vehicles.
- Removed inactive accounts.

- All commands except (team and buycar) are now free!
> Team cmd cost: reduced from $2500 to $250
> The vehicles cost: no changes.

- Changed rewards as below:-
> Kill = +$150
> Headshot = +$50
> Death = -$80
> Having Spree = ( spree x $60 ), will be given every +5 spree.
> End a player's spree = ( the player's spree x $20 )

Updates: [13/6/15] - Suggested
- Added team chat, Usage: \msg

Updates: [17/6/15] - Suggested
- Players are now allowed to 'spectate', Use 'S' to start/stop spectating.

Updates: [29/8/15] - Suggested
- Added rocket limits. Rocket launcher( with only 8 rockets ) will be given only once per spawn.
- Improved bank place( added door ) to reduce bank-killing. ( Thanks to SouLy for his idea )
Note: If you're unable to shoot even after teleported out of bank, please enter the bank again and pick the pickup.

Updates: [2/9/15]
- Added user control panel( UCP ), please report if you found any problem/error.

Updates: [11/9/15]
- Added European City Dollar (ECD), you can see it in !cash or on your screen.
- You will get 2 ECDs per 100 kills and 5 ECDs for getting new rank.
- Added /buyvip, it can only be bought using European City Dollars(ECD). Cost 800 ECD for 3 months VIP pack.
- VIP Features

Updates: [20/9/15] - Suggested
- Updated /cash and /bank cmd, now only admins can see other player's cash.
- Updated ECD reward for new rank. ECD reward is now increased by 1 for each new rank.( Example, first rank reward is 1 ECD, second 2 ECD and so on )
- All players ECDs have been set according current kills to make it fair for old players registered before ECD was implemented in our server.
- Rocket limit was removed earlier.

Updates: [2/10/15] - Suggested
- Changed webstats page.
- Added bodypart and weapons stats. Click on WebStats > Nick > (More Stats) to check.
Note: You must login to your game account through UCP to access webstats.

Updates: [6/10/15] - Suggested
- Increased spree reward to: $60 x Spree, ( Before: $20 x Spree )
- Time rate has been set to 0. ( Default time: 10:00 AM )

Updates: [10/10/15] - Suggested
- Added /vcolor - To change your vehicle color, can be used by vehicle owner only.
- Added /savecolor - To save the color changes made through /vcolor
Note: The 'color2' is optional, leave it if the vehicle doesnt allows 2 colors.

Updates: [11/10/15] -> [16/12/15] - Changelog lost, possible list:
- Changed 'request class'/'choose skin' animation.
- Fixed VIP system.
- Added /transfer command to server.
- Fixed team system for better stability.
- Added /buyecd /sellecd and /giveecd commands.
- Removed ECDs from all rewards( every 100 kills, rank reward..etc )
- Reduce players' ECD by half( or less ), depends on ECDs they got from rewards and their kills.
- Updated tax system, it will now take 1 ECD if you have more than $15,000 unpaid tax.
- Updated /tax command, now it will show the time server will take your cash.
- Added anti-mute evade, mute duration: 30 seconds.
- Changed vehicle system.
- Changed vehicle cost to ECD instead of normal cash.
- Updated /buycar command, now you can buy vehicle from Sunshine Autos instead of finding vehicle for sale.
- Added /purchase and /canceldeal.
- Updated cmds: /car /mycars and /mysharecars
- Added /autologin < on/off > - Default: on, You are advised to turn it off if you share internet.
- Fixed minor bugs.

Updates: [17/10/15]
- Changed mute system.
- Updated mute command in server and irc, allowing admins to mute a player for specific duration( 1 sec > 4 mins )
- Updated anti-mute evade, now players will be muted 5 secs more than real mute time whenever they evade.
- Server will now show the mute time left when you use commands or chat while being muted.
Note: Server will no longer send notification when you get unmuted.

Updates: [19/10/15]
- Updated anti-spawn killing system
- Changed weapon stats in UCP
- Fixed bugs and reduced server resource usage.

Updates: [21/10/15]
- Disabled 'stunt bike' mode
- Added register limit.

Updates: [22/10/15]
- Added/updated admin commands: /setworld /evspawn /evclear /duty
- Fixed minor bug in server commands.

Updates: [24/10/15]
- Players are now allowed to buy as many vehicles they want. ( Limit removed )
- Now players can have unlimited shared cars. ( Limit removed )
- Kill rewards increased to $200 and -$60 per death  ( Possibly kill reward will be increased more ).
- The command: /team is now free for players.
- Drive-by disabled ( majority staff's votes )
- Fixed minor bug in server commands.

Updates: [25/10/15]
- Improved VIP Features:
- VIP can now use all commands for free.
- VIP will get discount when increasing VIP time ( /buyvip )
- VIP will get additional $150 per kill. ( normal players: $200, VIP: $350 )
- VIP can get free armour from ammunation at Downtown using /getarm or /getarmour
- Flip limit removed, the cmd cant be used anymore except your vehicle is upside down.
- Time required to fix a vehicle reduced to 3 seconds.

Updates: [31/12/15]
- Changed rewards:
- Kills: +$300 for normal players and +$500 for VIPs
- Deaths: -$100 for all players.

Updates: [4/1/16]
- Now you cant enter bank if your health is lower than 25. ( Use /heal to heal yourself )
- Added cash pickup on the position players died. ( like the gta vc game )
- You will lose $150 of your 'hand cash' per death ( before: $100 )
Note: The cash pickup is 66.67 % of the cash player lose when they die.

Updates: [7/1/16]
- Fixed IRC bot bugs (Thanks to the members who reported it through PM)
- Improved login system, server will now save more information when player log into the accounts.
- Fixed minor bugs.

Updates: [11/1/16]
- Reward and command cost changes:
Command: fix, flip = $100 ( Before: $300 )
Command: gotoloc, goto, heal = $100 ( Before: Free )
Command: spawnloc = $200 ( Before: Free )
Command: team = $300 ( Before: Free )
Kill( for normal member ) = $400 ( Before: $300 )
Kill( for VIP member ) =  $600 ( Before: $500 )
Die = $150 ( No changes )
Headshot =  $60 ( Before: $50 )
Tax = $1400 per week ( Before: $1750 )
Money pickup = $150 ( Before: $100 ) -- You can pick the cash you lost when you die ( if no one else picked it )
Spree = $( the spree x 80 ) ( Before: the spree x 60 )
End player spree =  $( the spree x 80 ) ( Before: the spree x 60 )
ECD cost( buy ) =  $10 000 ( Before: $15 000 )
ECD Cost( Sell ) =  $9 500 ( Before: $10 000 )
VIP cost =  5 ECD( $50 000 ) per day ( Before: 27 ECD per day )

Updates: [6/2/16]
- Changed the sound when you reach new rank.
- Added additional sound for kill spree and headshots. (Thanks to the original sound creator)

Updates: [13/2/16]
- The rockets launcher is no longer free, you can buy it using /buyroc ( updated earlier )
- Improved ban system. ( currently only for dev - in testing )
- Improved webstats's account searching and security to avoid SQL injection.

Updates: [20/2/16]
- Now if you get injured in bank, your health will be restored back when you move out through the main entrance( via pickup ).

Updates: [11/3/16]
- Added 'join time' into !getuid - admin commands.
- Added new skin for VIP( 50-Cent ) - Original creator/uploader: MIX74 @ gtaall.com
- Minor bug fixes in sound, IRC bot and vehicle.
- Changed warn system.

Updates: [16/3/16]
- Added new skin for VIP( Police Tactical Group ) - Original creator/uploader: art29 @ gtaall.net
- Added new skin for players( The Arctic ) - Original creator/uploader: pa77ox @ gtainside.com
- Improved login record to store UID & IP, helpful in confirming users' account and tracing rules breaker.

Updates: [25/3/16]
- For players' account safety, server will now keep track of all money movement and account transfer done in the server, including their IPs and UIDs.

Updates: [08/4/16]
- Added /lastpos wherein your last position you died you will be respawned if it's activated.

Updates: [18/4/16]
- Updated anti-bank killing system.

Updates: [2/6/16]
- Changed clan system.

Updates: [9/7/16]
- Added new team with 3 new skins. ( Thanks to original skin creators - Check your store file )

Updates: [17/07/15]
- HeliKill damage has been enabled.

Updates: [2/8/15]
- Added top countries in irc and server, cmd: !topcountry
- Added country statistic in webstats: http://ec.thijn.ovh/country.php

Updates: 03/07/16
- Updated Country Statistics.
- Announcement box has been added for "Current Spree" after killing.
- Added additional announcement for Teleporting, Healing and Fix.

Updates: 08/08/16
- Added GUI for 'buyecd' and 'sellecd'

Updates: 15/08/16
- Server will now record your highest spree, it's showed in /stats and !topspree commands
- Attempt to fix teleport bug in spawnloc and diepos.

Updates: 17/08/16
- Added minigun as special weapon.

Updates: 10/09/16
- Removed minigun pickup, added mystery boxes containing random items.
- Added cardinal direction to /mysterybox and /loc command
- Added GUI for nogoto, nostat, autologin, diepos, spawnwep and spawnloc( press L to open the box )
- Changed spawnloc system, now you will be teleported randomly at chosen location( e.g: Downtown, Viceport..etc ).
- Changed password encryption
- Attempt to fix teleport problem
- Changed diepos, now you will be spawned randomly at location you died(e.g: Starfish island, not at exact position like before )
- Fixed minor bugs( in top clans, clan stats, warns )
- Fixed bug that caused player to stuck after exiting few boat.
- Added dmg msg when you get shot & distance announce when shooting other player.

Updates: 10/09/16
- Removed minigun pickup, added mystery boxes containing random items.
- Added cardinal direction to /mysterybox and /loc command
- Added GUI for nogoto, nostat, autologin, diepos, spawnwep and spawnloc( press L to open the box )
- Changed spawnloc system, now you will be teleported randomly at chosen location( e.g: Downtown, Viceport..etc ).
- Changed password encryption
- Attempt to fix teleport problem
- Changed diepos, now you will be spawned randomly at location you died(e.g: Starfish island, not at exact position like before )
- Fixed minor bugs( in top clans, clan stats, warns )
- Fixed bug that caused player to stuck after exiting few boat.
- Added dmg msg when you get shot & distance announce when shooting other player.

Updates: 12/09/16
- Previous changes related to GUI, spawnwep, spawnloc has been pulled back.
- Added /topcollectors command to show top mystery box collectors.

Updates: 15/09/16
- Players using rockets below 24m will be automatically kicked.
- Changed the color and font style of rank info, forum info and ecd dollar on the screen.

Updates: 29/09/16
- Mossberg Shotgun is no longer free, it can be bought from the Ammunation (Cost: 10k, Ammo: 250)
- Rocket launcher can be now purchased only from the Ammunation

Updates: 22/10/16
- Custom vehicles are added (Ferrari Enzo and Hustler), it can be bought on rent for specfic day(s) (1-10 days). Check /cmds 4 to view the commands of custom vehicles.
- Swat skin is added (team id 15).

Updates: 2/12/16
- Change skin cmd for VIP. ( /changeskin )                         
- Spawnkill detector. ( anti spawnkill for default pos )           
- Improved Death-Evade detection. ( auto punish might be added soon if the detection works nicely )
- Added total cash and ECD in clan's webstats.   
- Added top richest clans & country in webstats.   
- Fixed few bugs in admin commands and messages. 
- Added duel system.                       
- Added /nopm - enable/disable PM.       
- Added more stuff in mystery box - Beer, Santa skin.
- Added chirstmas tree.

Updates: 12/12/16
- Updated wepstats( http://ec.thijn.ovh/ )
- Changed 'Top headshots'  with 'Top finders'( mystery box ) in main page.
- Added new page 'Wep/BP' to see the top players according chosen bodyparts/weapon type stats.

Updates: 14/12/16
- Updated script to improve overall performance.
- Fixed bugs in /watch and 'buy weapon'

Updates: 13/1/17
- Added /startevent <event name> <entrance fee>
- Attempt to fix teleport problem.
- Added hydra( by mashreq )
- Added Laserscope Sniper and MP5 as default weapons, beside M4 and Stubby shotgun.

Updates: 10/2/17
- Added /sellvip for players to sell their VIP package.
- Attempts to fix bugs and glitches.
- Added Blacklist system, it is aggressive and harder to evade as the list will automatically grow by server.( currently in testing )

Updates: 1/3/17
- Added spike pack for VIPs, /buywep <spike>
- The cmd: /buymos and /buyroc are removed, use /buywep instead.
- The /startevent is now available for our registered players to start events in EC. Available events: The Transporter(TT), The Psychopath(TP), The Agent(TA), Vehicle Fight(VF), Last Man Standing(LMS), Protect The VIP(PTV).
Note: The /startevent is under testing, bugs are expected.

Updates: 18/3/17 - 22/3/17
- Added 'Kill Assist' feature in server, bugs are expected & it can be reported at 'Report Bugs' board.
- The notice of warn for death evade is now global.
- Added 'Daily Bonus' for player, given every 24 hours, play everyday and the bonus will get bigger.
- Added Remote Detonation Grenade to /buywep in ammunation.

Updates: 26/3/17
- Added auto-voice for VIP users in main EC channel, more info at: http://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=3762.msg21065#msg21065
- The players are now able to buy skin using /buyskin, more info at: http://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=3749.msg21067#msg21067

Updates: 01/04/17
- New feature added "Suicide bomber vest"

Updates: 18/4/17
- The custom spawn skin are now saved & will be loaded when you join, use /changeskin off to disable it.
- Added duplicate account detector, you will be notified if the account with similiar nick was registered.
- Deleted duplicate and inactive accounts.

Updates: 2/5/17 - 4/5/17
- Added timer to /getcar cmd, to avoid cmd abuse.
- Now you cant enter vehicle when you are burning, to avoid death evade.
- The /spawnloc cmd updated, now you can set any saved loc( from /saveloc ) as your spawn position using /spawnloc set <loc name>

Updates: 9/5/17
- Added Unique ID for bans, you may check one's ban info using his ban ID now.
- Removed timer from /getcar command
- Unstable Ping & FPS Detector improved by Mashreq.

Updates: 12/5/17
- Added 'The Shooter'(TS) game in /startevent. ( Original idea of game-mode from Doom_Kill3R & special thanks for scripting helps - calculation )
- Added armour addon on killing-spree, 10% armour addon every 5 spree.
- Minor bug fixes..

Updates: 26/6/17
- Changed Remote Grenade cost to $150 per grenade
- Health limit increased to 250%( from 100% ), now the HP addon could increase your health up to 250%
- Added Betting in duel system, it can be used with cmd /betduel
- Added /tradeveh - Now you can sell/buy vehicles from your friends for lower prices.
- Changed default spawn position of 3 teams( Girl team, Undercover & Nick Team, Police Team )
- Added custom sound when you kill player( to get you notified ).
- Minor bug fixes

Updates: 30/6/17
- Added new additional spree sounds for every consecutive spree
- HP Addon per kill limited to 100 HP.
- HP Addon from mystery box limited to 250 HP.
- Chainsaw, Molotovs, Grenades and Flamethrower are now blocked in duel.

Updates: 1/7/17
- Cash limit in bet duel was set to $30k, personal reward removed.
- Some changes in bet messages.
- Updated speed detector.
- Added cash limit, $800 million hand-cash and $800 million bank balance.
- Minor bug fixes.

Updates: 6/8/17
- Updated EC webstats to v2.0, changed theme and improvement: http://ec.thijn.ovh
- Added duel stats, cmd: /duelstats
- /duel msg changed, to show score of current duel
- Added transfer limit notice to admin
- Fixed /getcar not spawning some vehicle
- Disallowed spaces in password, only for players who wish to register starting now
- Added error-reporting on client-side, server will get notice of errors from clients
- Added auto-ban of 28 days for some hacks, server will automatically ban you if it detects the hack.( less agressive, will increase it if it works nicely )
- Added vehicle renting system, cmds: /rentcar <vehID> <days> <ECD>, /cancelrent, /acceptrent, /rejectrent
- Added /playercars to see the list of a players' vehicles
- The cmd /mysharecars is removed, the list of cars available for use will be in /mycars or /playercars - including rented cars, shared cars and cars owned by you. You can see where your nick is placed to know whether the vehicle is shared, rented or owned by you.
- Added auto inactive account cleaner, accounts will be deleted if it's inactive longer than 8 months.
Note: Bugs are expected, please report them at 'Bug Reports' section.

Script changes( changelog ) #2
The changelog after 6/8/18 is posted here: http://ec.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=5406.0

--- Other changes: ---
- Cola machines(+25hp) removed for some reason. ( 12/5/15 )
- XP(on screen) removed for some reason. (17/5/15)
- /setcolor removed, added /autospawn. (28/5/15)

--- Notes: ---
- The accounts inactive for more than 9 months will automatically get removed by server.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 08:25:12 pm by Human. »

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2016, 07:54:24 pm »
New clan system information:

The previous clan system was unmanaged and the stats was not accurate, so we decided to make a new clan system that is more accurate in counting stats and give the freedom to clan owners to manage their clan. The clan management are now allowed to add/kick clan members, check clan member list and pending request, rename clan or close the clan using a simple command. You can add offline players to your clan using the /clan add <full account name>. When you add a player to your clan, the player will get a notification about the membership as soon as they are online( when join the server ) or right in time if they are already online. Their stats will be automatically counted to your clan stats when they accept the membership.

Server Commands:-
/clanstats - To check the total of the clan's members kills, deaths and ratio of kill per death.
/playerclan - To check a player's clan and his position in the clan.
/clan - To manage your clan.
/cc - Clan chat, to chat with your clan members( who are listed in your clan list ) without being seen by other players.
/acceptclan - To accept the membership offer sent by a clan.
/rejectclan - To reject the membership offer sent by a clan.
/leaveclan - To leave the clan you are currently in.

You can manage your clan using the /clan command:-
/clan members - To check clan members list and pending membership offers - you can also check them at our webstats.
/clan add <player> - To add clan members using /clan add <player name>
/clan setlvl <member name> <lvl> - To set your member level in the clan ( 1. member, 2. management, 3. co-founder, 4. founder )
/clan rename <new name> - To rename your clan to the entered name.
/clan kick <member name> - To kick clan member or cancel membership offer sent to other player.
/clan remove - To close and remove the clan from server.

* If you need help in managing the clan, you can use the /clan setlvl to set higher level to your trusted clan member to help you manage the clan. They will get access to the /clan command if their lvl is higher than 1( clan member ).

* Take note, you dont have to worry about clan kills as they will be automatically increased when your member accepted the membership offer sent to him.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2016, 07:21:17 pm by Human. »

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2016, 07:35:00 pm »
New Update:

Updates: [17/07/15]
- HeliKill damage has been enabled.

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2016, 04:17:42 pm »
New Update:
Updates: [2/8/15]
- Added top countries in irc and server, cmd: !topcountry
- Added country statistic in webstats: http://ec.thijn.ovh/country.php

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2016, 08:21:34 pm »
New updates

Updates: 03/07/16
  • Updated Country Statistics.
  • Announcement box has been added for "Current Spree" after killing.
  • Added additional announcement for Teleporting, Healing and Fix.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 08:38:17 pm by Aaron »

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2016, 08:36:53 pm »
New update:
- Added GUI for "buyecd" and "sellecd".

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2016, 04:05:57 pm »
Script update( late post ):
Updates: 17/08/16
- Added a minigun as special weapon.
It can be found at random places in the Vice City, you can use /minigun for more information about the minigun position.

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2016, 04:26:07 pm »
Script update:
Updates: 10/09/16
- Removed minigun pickup, added mystery boxes containing random items.
- Added cardinal direction to /mysterybox and /loc command
- Added GUI for nogoto, nostat, autologin, diepos, spawnwep and spawnloc( press L to open the box )
- Changed spawnloc system, now you will be teleported randomly at chosen location( e.g: Downtown, Viceport..etc ).
- Changed password encryption
- Attempt to fix teleport problem
- Changed diepos, now you will be spawned randomly at location you died(e.g: Starfish island, not at exact position like before )
- Fixed minor bugs( in top clans, clan stats, warns )
- Fixed bug that caused player to stuck after exiting few boat.
- Added dmg msg when you get shot & distance announce when shooting other player.

Few of you might not happy with the spawnloc and diepos update, however it's done to:-
1. Make vehicle more valuable.
2. Avoid fights at same position and causes other places empty.
3. Give more time to killer to prepare before fighting again( especially newbies that kept getting killed by older players that have auto spawn and diepos enabled without having time to prepare ).
4. Encourage players to roam around the city and have fight at random places.
5. Make the game harder and more challenging instead of the old style ( that was just teleporting, kill, die  ) x1000.

We will be observing for few days whether the changes should be kept or not. During the time, i will be pushing the bug fixes to older scripts.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 05:09:02 pm by Human. »

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2016, 07:22:44 pm »
The last update has been pulled back, the changes that are kept are:-
Code: [Select]
- Removed minigun pickup, added mystery boxes containing random items.
- Added cardinal direction to /mysterybox and /loc command
- Changed password encryption
- Attempt to fix teleport problem
- Fixed minor bugs( in top clans, clan stats, warns )
- Fixed bug that caused player to stuck after exiting few boat.
Added /topcollectors to show the top mystery box collectors. ( Suggested by Sevrin )

Offline Mashreq

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2016, 10:27:23 pm »
New update:
- Players using rockets below 24m will be automatically kicked.
- Changed the color and font style of rank info, forum info and ecd dollar on the screen.
EC Scripter, VCCNR UCP Coder/Designer, SvM Scripter, EvoDM Scripter
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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2016, 03:50:39 pm »
New update:
- Mossberg Shotgun is no longer free, it can be bought from the Ammunation (Cost: 10k, Ammo: 250)
- Rocket launcher can be now purchased only from the Ammunation
EC Scripter, VCCNR UCP Coder/Designer, SvM Scripter, EvoDM Scripter
Upcoming Projects: Grab the Briefcase Scripter

Past: EAD Scripter, AvT Scripter, IGR Scripter

Offline Mashreq

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2016, 10:23:02 pm »
New update:
- Custom vehicles are added (Ferrari Enzo and Hustler), it can be bought on rent for specfic day(s) (1-10 days). Check /cmds 4 to view the commands of custom vehicles.
- Swat skin is added (team id 15).
EC Scripter, VCCNR UCP Coder/Designer, SvM Scripter, EvoDM Scripter
Upcoming Projects: Grab the Briefcase Scripter

Past: EAD Scripter, AvT Scripter, IGR Scripter

Offline Human.

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2016, 07:20:58 pm »
New update:
Updates: 2/12/16
- Change skin cmd for VIP. ( /changeskin )                         
- Spawnkill detector. ( anti spawnkill for default pos )           
- Improved Death-Evade detection. ( auto punish might be added soon if the detection works nicely )
- Added total cash and ECD in clan's webstats.   
- Added top richest clans & country in webstats.   
- Fixed few bugs in admin commands and messages.   
- Added duel system.                       
- Added /nopm - enable/disable PM.       
- Added more stuff in mystery box - Beer, Santa skin.
- Added chirstmas tree.

Duel system information:
    The duel system can be a new way to earn ECDs( or lose ECDs ). The duel challenge can be sent to other player using server command( /duel <player> <bet(ECD)> ).The fight will be in the duel arena( which was set up by Mashreq ). Only one duel can happen at once and there will be 5 rounds of fights. The player that won the most round will be announced as winner and will be given all the ECDs. If one of the player leave, the player with score more than 2 will be declared as the winner. If it's less, the duel will be canceled and the ECDs will be given back to players. Other players can watch the duel by using /watch command.

Server Commands:-
/duel - To send duel challenge to player, bet is in ECD. It will be taken from both player and will be given to winner.
/denyduel - To reject the duel challenge sent to you.
/acceptduel - To accept the duel challenge sent to you.
/cancelduel - To cancel the duel challenge sent by you to other player.
/watch - To enter/exit watch mode of duel between other players.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2016, 07:44:13 pm by Human. »

Offline Human.

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2016, 12:25:31 pm »
Minor update:
Updates: 12/12/16
- Updated wepstats( http://ec.thijn.ovh/ )
- Changed 'Top headshots'  with 'Top finders'( mystery box ) in main page.
- Added new page 'Wep/BP' to see the top players according chosen bodyparts/weapon type stats.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 01:27:57 pm by Human. »

Offline Human.

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Re: Script changes( changelog )
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2017, 01:27:38 pm »
Minor update:
Updates: 13/1/17
- Added /startevent <event name> <entrance fee>
- Attempt to fix teleport problem.
- Added hydra( by mashreq )
- Added Laserscope Sniper and MP5 as default weapons, beside M4 and Stubby shotgun.