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Author Topic: i lost the control from my account noor because my password is changed by someon  (Read 1523 times)

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i like to draw a attention on a serious subject that my 1st account noor password is changed and wishwanath is remember my 1st nick is noor   
Proof is that i have recorded the video with this account while i am playing duel with my cousin ALI check
proof video

 Description : i am 100% sure that i have 1 stringer in my account
kindly reset my account password as soon as possible                               

 Thanking You,
                           your Truly noor

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You didnt include your full account name, it's required to reset your password.
If you still have access to your account via auto-login, you may use /changepass to change your pass.


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Human i recently check my full nick noor someone changes its nick to other can u help? to get my nick back


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and its not auto-login

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Your account name is [PRO]* ? It was accessed 8.14 hours ago and seems like it was you..


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yes it is me but when my account noor is not works i registerd this account [PRO]* before some months and i start collecting money from it and u disabled this sam account? brohhhh u did wrong dude enable [PRO]* one account and Try to Solve My Problem Thank You

Your Truley


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dude iu did wrong because when i lost control from noor one account than i registerd this account for collect money from new account i registerd pro account before few months and your disabled it tooo :///////// :"( :((((((((((((((((((((((( Enable please

Thanking You :'( :/ :(
                                   Your Truely [PRO]*

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Because we caught you were attempting/breaking into few accounts and stole their money, it was supported by logs. Your account will be disabled until i get more information about that. You may post your explaination here..otherwise you could get banned for breaking rules in server and multiple attempts of lying about losing ECD in forum:
1. http://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=2489
2. http://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=2228
3. http://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=2383
4. http://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=2168

So i suggest you to explain what happened as you wont get away this time, even if you dont answer as in the topics above.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 07:35:47 am by Human. »


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Bro i didnt stole any account Why Did I Stole the account? i love EC And I Hate Liars Bro Enable My Account this Is Ur Mistake U Disable My account Because Of Misunderstanding Ok... enable As fast As U Can....


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Please Enable My Account Again Because i hvae billionsof cash in it enable it ok?

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[VA]Amir is your acccount ? and from the server log, you also attempted to login into few more accounts owned by other players.


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NEVER EVER BROOOOOOOOOOOOH DONT LET ME IN MORE TROBLUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS I AM ALRREADY In TOBULE U ARe JUST WASTING MY TIME INVESTIGATE MY CASE Not CASE ON ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My ACCOUNT IS HACKED InFACT U DISABLE My ONE MORE ACCOUNT How Shocking IS THAT FOR mE???~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How about this ?
Code: [Select]
- 13.9 day(s)  ago -
[PRO]* ( Your UID ) has logged into his account
[Login Attempt] [VA]Amir ( Your IP ) attempted to login with wrong password.
[VA]Amir ( Your UID ) has logged into his account
[SellVeh] [VA]Amir( Your IP ) has sold vehID: 1338, Receive: 16 ECD
[SellVeh] [VA]Amir( Your IP ) has sold vehID: 1516, Receive: 39 ECD
(HIDDEN_PLAYER1) ( HIDDEN_UID ) has logged into his account
[GiveCash] [VA]Amir( Your IP ) has sent $26720 to (HIDDEN_PLAYER1)
[GiveCash] (HIDDEN_PLAYER1)( HIDDEN_IP ) has sent $29420 to [PRO]*
[GiveECD] [VA]Amir( Your IP ) has sent 55 ECD to (HIDDEN_PLAYER1)
[GiveECD] (HIDDEN_PLAYER1)( HIDDEN_IP ) has sent 55 ECD to [PRO]*
[GiveECD] [PRO]*( Your IP ) has sent 4 ECD to (HIDDEN_PLAYER1)
[BuyECD] [PRO]*( Your IP ) has bought 3 ECD, Cost: $30000

- 8.89 day(s) ago -
[VA]Amir ( YOUR UID ) has logged into his account
[cPass] [VA]Amir( Your IP ) has changed his pass.
[GiveCash] [VA]Amir( Your IP ) has sent $168380 to (HIDDEN_PLAYER2)
[PRO]* ( Your UID ) has logged into his account
[GiveCash] (HIDDEN_PLAYER2)( HIDDEN_IP ) has sent $168380 to [PRO]*
[BuyECD] [PRO]*( Your IP ) has bought 16 ECD, Cost: $160000
[BuyECD] [PRO]*( Your IP ) has bought 1 ECD, Cost: $10000

The sensitive informations( IP/UID ) are removed from public.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 08:43:55 pm by Human. »


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Hey Its mY YouNger BroTheR ALI Maybe I Swear God Promise I f I Lie i can b die i am not lying maybe he did this please i apologize for that if its done from my account cus i am shocked when i seen that i hav 120ECD in my account and last night it is 62 i ask  my younger brother how u have earned this much cash? he said that his friends give money to him kindly enable my account now

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Quote from: Noor^
Please Enable My Account Again Because i hvae billionsof cash in it enable it ok?
Quote from: Noor^
i am shocked when i seen that i hav 120ECD in my account and last night it is 62 i ask my
Btw, did you see the log i posted ? It happened 13.9 - 8.89 days ago.

If you cant give a good reason( in this case, it's the real account owner's permission ) you will get a month ban or more for breaking into other users account.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 10:06:03 pm by Human. »