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Author Topic: Sevrin thinks that he is Master Mind and He thinks He Works In CID Before.. -_-  (Read 2074 times)

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he just ignored my this one report even i provided him logs how a player scams? -_- -_- and he thinks he is very over smart He thinks he is works in CID before (crime Investigation Department)
Lets See what did he Said
((((( Do you really think we are fools and can't investigate. Huh, I just investigated and found out three guys FuTuR3^, [PRO]* and Noor^ are same. You tried to scam us for 500 ECDs. All the story you mentioned is a lie and you're banned for 1 months due to attemp of major scamming. And yeah thanks to Mashreq for confirming all are same means 1 guy.))))

i want complete report about Future^ that Future is me If u cant show me that Future^ nick is Registerd from my IP Address Before ...  so U WILL BE REMOVE AS ADMIN USELESS ADMIN YOU ARE

AND TRY TO CHECK Which Nick is using Yet From IP ADDRESS OF Future^
And U Sevrin  Future^ facbook id is this and his previous nick is Zain^ and his facebook id is this   https://www.facebook.com/mr.zain13
And Noor^ is My Nick From which i registerd on  This Forums And I Didnt Say that Noor^ is scams me My Nick is [PRO]* u Duffer Admin Sevrin -_- Brainless Creation and u banned me for 30Days? -_- Idiot Duffer And Mashreq is idiot Zain^ Future Are same guys and Zain Or Future is not me u niggah check your logs and check there ip and mine ip and see with ur eyes and think with ur brain who is wrong idiot Sevrin -_- banned me -_- idiot Aaron Take an Action against This Shit Before He Ban Many Players Like Me Infact they are innocent like me and refund my ECDS I want my 500ECDs in my account alright?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 09:10:39 pm by Human. »

Offline MD619

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Nice ratio .
how did you make that much money with this ratio please tell me this secret i wanna be rich .


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[ON]MD619 I Beg For Cash and Ecds everywhere and I Scam severals of players and broke into their account thats why still banned for 30 days leave this matter here  just concentrate on this matter Alright?



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but i didnt scam anyone from my [PRO]* Nick I scam Them From Other Nicks I Start Scamming Players Cus if None Of Admin Paying Shit To My Topic On Forums That How Future^ scams my 500ECD than i start Doing Crimes Like Broke into accounts and scaming player. exactra and i didnt feel Shamefull while doing these crimes cus if there is no justice for me i,ll do CrimeS!~~!!~~!!!!~ even i got banned ~!!!~~!!!~~!!! if u guys refund my 500ECD i didnt scam anyone again and salute u guys as i salute every admin before ... i am in trobule to get my 500ECDs back in Any WAy so i Try This Way To Scaming The Players So I Scam Thats Why Banned And I Report To Sevrin tO give me a Justice and Refund My 500Ecds He Banned Me Cus he thinks He Is CID Before... He Can Investigate Everything in his way... He Thinks He Is Saint Of God thats it... I Reported him and This Time i want full Information About Zain^ and Future Both are same and diffrent from me if he proofs that Zain^ And Future^ is me i,ll leave this topic here And i want all admins Co-Opreation Cus i Think Would Make Fake Logs His Self For Make Himself That he didint Did anything so i request Aaron To Pay Some attention  To  This Report And I Dont Want That Sevrin Will be ban Or Remove As Admin :/ Cus he Is Human To.. i think its my mistake that i born in pakistan u guys think pakistan is  bad country and punish there civilians :'( The banned me even i am innocent and got scammed :'( my ecds.. :'(

Thanks For Asking This Question [ON]MD619

Offline Brian

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So let me get this straight.

You are reporting Sevrin because he executed a ban on you for scamming (which has been checked and confirmed by Mashreq) while you admit yourself for actually doing this.
You also admit to breaking into other players their accounts (a heavy violation, to which you admit to still be doing present day) which is pretty much guaranteed to result in a permanent ban from EC for you.
All this because admins supposedly ignored you?
And now you're here demanding 500 ECD back (which you haven't even rightfully earned) for your account so that you are going to stop scamming/breaking into other players their accounts?

You deserve a medal for making it this far m8.
The only thing you have rightfully earned right now is an extended permanent ban.
"The table is surrounded by politicians who have never placed a foot on the battlefield. It's a disgusting squabble over who gets the largest piece of the pie, and that's why it needs to end. It is for that duty we raised the King. That's why we're fighting."
~A. Kupchenko


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i didnt said that i scammed those 500ECD which is scammed i said when i got scammed my 500ECDS which i collect from my friends and earned i start scamming players because didnt get my ecds back didnt said that those ecds are scammed by other players which zain scams from me alright? think before say something brooo .... :/ i am in trobule dont give more trobule i did,nt scam some one before i get scammed from Zain after sevrin bans me for no reason even i provided him logs than i start scamming players and recently i got 30 days ban and before my scam i  never scam any player but when sevrin cant give me justice and banned me than i start scamming and got ban for 30days recently ok ? bro? dont try to change the topic dont give feedback to sevrin alright ? concentrate on my report not on my comment  understood so kindly refund my 500ECDS



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and Zain And Future is.nt me u can check Future ip on my report link is on logs above link is above the report which directs u to my previous report and check these logs and see his ip and my ip zain ip is differ from mine its mean i am not Zain^ ok?


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Mate Give concentration  on report which i,ve done on above alright? and dont try to hid this topic or change it just see and u can find that ur moderartor is works out of his mind he lost control from his brain and i didnt scam anyone before i get scammed but when sevrin cant give me justice i start doing crimes and still banned for 30 days? alright i didnt aww shame on my self cus if there is no justice so there is crime everywhere i hope u understand my feeling and emotions or if u dont understand yet so u have to think urself and realize ur self on my place and if u even not understand yet than i think u are not human bro



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i want quick refund of my 500ECDS and i apologize if my anyword hurts u ok bro take care

Offline Brian

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Just because you think "justice" hasn't been done properly for you does not give you the right to start doing major rule breaking.
I can tell you right now that you won't see a dime refunded.
The managers will handle it from here on.
"The table is surrounded by politicians who have never placed a foot on the battlefield. It's a disgusting squabble over who gets the largest piece of the pie, and that's why it needs to end. It is for that duty we raised the King. That's why we're fighting."
~A. Kupchenko

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You approached me like 3 months ago in-game about all this and later Mashreq confirmed that you was lying and banned for breaking into someone's account. Come on man stop  whining about it. Someone please close this topic.
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You Idiot If Mashreq Bitch Have Proofs than Provide Me That Zain^ And Future Is Me You Bitch U niggah just type with ur keyboard Ryne And Brayan cant Do Anything than Shut Ur Pussy mute... Dont Bark Here U Dogs U Black Shits Leme Do My Work And Mind Ur Own Buiesness If Mashreq have proofs than tell him post it there that Zain And Future Is Me If he dont i am gonna report you to ryne And Brian You too If you cant Contact ur father Mashreq than  shut ur fuckin mouth bloody rascals -_-   I Want Mashreq And Sevrin Replies  If They Prove That Zain^ and future is me i,ll leave this topic here i am worried dont he makes fake logs i want Aaron Help i want complete Logs! that Zain^ And future is me if you cant prove that Zain and Future is me Sevrin u will be remove as admin My Nick is [PRO]* and he Denied My Previous Report As Zain^ And Future^ is me but iam only [PRO]*  i am not trying to scam ECDS dont comment here Again u dogs if dont have evidance against me because i talk with those which have evidences against me alright? -_- Now Run Away and keep Barking Or i,ll Reprt u that "USELESS REPLIES ON REPORTS BAN THEM FROM FORUMS"


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You Think I am talking With You in Kind Words You Start Making me fool? huh!?!? Go Away and Bark Vuf Vuf Vuf!~~!!!!@@!!!

Offline Human.

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You were not serious in any of the topics you created, you gave no answer when we asked you and you keep creating new topic when we lock them. Eg:

The chat log you provided was also suspicious:

and as i said we dont need your log, we needed your cooperation to find the transaction you did in the server but you didnt give any answer.

The topic had passed since months ago and as you gave no cooperation, so we were not able to help you. You were also caught lying by server scripter, so dont expect anything.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 05:10:32 pm by Human. »


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so what do you mean by this logs?