Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) Server.
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): If we type /duel it shows ** pm >> Error - There's already a duel between Player1 and Player2. Now modify /duel to this. There's already a duel between Player1 and Player2, Score: 0-1 by Player2
Extra notes: If Player2 got 1 score so it will written like this: 0-1 by Player1, if Player1 got 2 score so it'll written as: 0-2 by Player1, and if Player2 got 1 score: So it'll be written like this: 1-2 by Player2. Hope you understand my fking English xd
Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) Server.
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): Add /dueltime or modify duel to show duel time.
Extra notes: N0ThInG