@karan : you and brian have checked the /fps at different frames. It looks like there isn?t any difference but actually there is a frame difference and it can make alot of difference when your fps is dynamic as per your screen animation.
It could be anything fire animation, large crowd around him at that moment or some other factors which leads to fps drop at that frame and it surges back to 35 when you checked it.
You can see there's 6 seconds different between the kick and he checked fps, kick took place right after honey singh said "cry cryu" ( Mocking), you can count this one,

This was posted by Honey Singh earlier, shows that he was at the roof, there's no crowd usually,even if there was 3-4 guys,this shouldn't happen, it could be the scene that honey singh spawned and brian did /fps,( it happens to me too,my fps drops to even 10 whenever I join and try to spawn asap), but if you're taking your time before each action, can't you just recheck everything before taking further actions,
Also again I am reminding,there's are many reasons,which are left ignored,
Why there was a need of mute for saying "this not xe brian", that too for reason "Advertising"?
Why there was need of warning players for something to which none can do a shit,?
Why it was necessary for him to target specifically those who were constantly killing him?
What made him drag my attitude over a report against him, based on other's allegation?
Why he can't act nicely to players and behave like a civilized guy?
Are you guys again going to cover up his mess? and let him go?