Most improved player of the year: FullFilled, Cocakola , Fulton
Most rudest player of the year: Jah
Most smartest player of the year: Eddy, krystianoo, Lederhos
Problematic player of the year:..
Friendliest player of the year:Lederhos, Freak, Halchter
Chainsaw pro player of the year:...
Dumbest player of the year:....
Best headshoter of the year: krystianoo Kintano, Kendrick
Best runner of the year:zeodex
Best driver(include all vehicles) of the year:RyxeN
Best rule-breaker of the year:....
Best shooter of the year: Freak, Fulton Eddy
Best reporter of the year:X.Vampire
Best ban-evader of the year: