Nickname: [MKs]Danish
Past Nicknames: Danish,JaCk,Dx[R]xM,Ak_Danish007
Country/Timezone: Pakistan / GMT +5
Playing in EC since: 3 years
Average week/hours playtime in EC: 6/8 hours per day, everyday in a week.
Ever banned on EC in-game/forum? If yes, Explain: No
What you can offer to server being a staff member: My first mission is to bring more activity in the server and that will work by organising more events in the server plus my activity is gradually increased more from my 1st app and i will show more courage this time.
Any Experience Past/Present?
Vice city cops and robbers DM - manager
Low gravity - moderator
Any other information basically nothing to say anything extra everyone know me very well fell free to ask any question, Thanks for Reading.