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Messages - v2x

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Unbanned Unban appeal
« on: April 10, 2022, 04:06:06 pm »
In-Game nick: V2X
Country: Australia
Ban ID:  2589
Date you were banned: An year ago
Suspected reason: Aimlock, ban evade
Admin that banned you:  cool3
Why should we unban you ?: I believe the aimlock prohibition was due to expire on April 9th. On the ninth month of my suspension, I connected to the server to see how long the ban had been in effect.
I was banned again for ban evasion, based on the assumption that I was using a VPN to get around the restriction term. 
I'm not intending on playing the game, but watching some of my friends play on a big screen while doing my own thing seems like a fascinating possibility.
Maybe refer @BliTz ?
Extra note:

Bug Reports / Re: kick on joining
« on: August 29, 2020, 12:37:00 am »
ddraw.dll/ any other extra dll used for loading stuff is the problem, atleast for me.
EC has disabled/disallowed ddraw.dll. The case is same for me, the game won't run without these dlls, provided having tried all the fixes that the internet says (DEP and so) and having likewise 10 installations from different sources and virus checks.

Could be due to pirated version of the game.

Resolved Reports / Re: V2X - death evasion
« on: June 15, 2020, 03:25:05 am »
You shouldnt even demand when everything is so far comprehensible in the video. The molotov which I tossed was meant to unfurl in the direction he was gushing in. It happened that he ceased and due to splash damage I got killed by my own mol.
No way a restriction could be added to the use of molos when opponent is all inclusive on HP.

 Kill assist points went to [MK]Danish.


Perhaps, the guy is just desperate to gulp my balls, one way or the other.

Resolved Reports / Re: v2x - f1
« on: June 08, 2020, 06:10:17 pm »
I still want to see your display settings.Post a screenshot here.
If you want external screenshots on my 4K monitor, I can do that too.

As you can see, I was hitting your torso when you went down in sec 14. Shooting at the upper body or the leg has nothing to do with this, and I wonder why this is only happening to you
Granny Skin parameters in short.

what about this




What is that hack that spawns me invincible and doesn't let me move and I need to !kill ?
I spawned at the Crate Island whereas the map showed me at s96 with the map player legend moving.

Resolved Reports / Re: v2x - f1
« on: June 08, 2020, 04:38:30 pm »
You kept shooting me near the legs (in video view) and not tried the upperbody.
Whereas, in my screen, you were merely shooting  the pathway  next to me.

The most possible reason could be the same as I said when Hazard reported me for punch hacks.

Resolved Reports / Re: V2X - suspicious gameplay
« on: June 06, 2020, 03:55:27 pm »
Network timeout.
Why would I stand after all?

Moreover, didnt move as I knew I had a timeout or so and to avoid any evades.

Resolved Reports / Re: V2X - Punch/Game Modifications & Wall Glitch
« on: June 01, 2020, 03:59:38 am »
I have an extremely wide display monitor which requires a widescreen fix for proper sync.
It has a huge refreshrate difference than your 60Hz monitor.
When you'll get one, you'll witness VCMP Dynamics failing.

Resolved Reports / Re: V2X - Punch/Game Modifications & Wall Glitch
« on: June 01, 2020, 02:26:07 am »
It is a well synced punch, not like your previous video, that was rather an ass-choking shot where sync probably got fucked.


 A            B   C   D   E      F      G   H            I   J
Null         0   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   null         0   0
StdPunch      5   8   0   0.4      1.0      M   punchR         1   1
Idle         0   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   FIGHTIDLE      0   0
Shuffle_f      0   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   FIGHTsh_F      0   0
##### frontal attacks ####
Knee         9   12   0   0.34   1.2      L   FIGHTknee      2   0
PunchHook      7   10   0   0.32   1.15   H   FIGHTLhook      2   1
Jab            6   10   0   0.32   1.2      H   FIGHTjab      2   1
Punch         8   11   0   0.34   1.4      H   FIGHTpunch      1   0
LongKick      9   13   0   0.33   1.5      M   FIGHTlngkck      3   0
RoundHouse      9   13   0   0.35   1.2      M   FIGHTrndhse      3   1
##### directional attacks ####
FwdLeft         13   18   0   0.32    1.2      H   FIGHTkick      2   0
FwdRight      6   13   0   0.36    1.35   M   FIGHThead      3   0
BackKick      19   24   0   0.36    1.13   L   FIGHTbkickL      2   0
BackFlip      19   24   0   0.34    1.13   L   FIGHTbkickL      2   0
BackLeft      13   18   0   0.36    1.9      H   FIGHTelbowL      2   0
BackRight      12   16   0   0.35    1.6    M   FIGHTbkickR      2   0
RightSweep      8   12   0   0.3    1.3      H   FIGHTelbowR      2   0
##### special attacks ####
GroundKick      11   15   0   0.5    0.4      G   KICK_floor      3   0
##### responses ####
HitFront      4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_front      0   0
HitBack         4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_back      0   0
HitRight      4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_R         0   0
HitLeft         4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_L         0   0
HitBody         4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_bodyblow   0   0
HitChest      4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_chest      0   0
HitHead         4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_head      0   0
HitBigStep      4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_walk      0   0
HitOnFloor      0   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   FLOOR_hit      0   0
HitBehind      4   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   HIT_behind      0   0
##### melee weapon attacks ####
Attack1         0   0   0   0.0      0.8      H   default         0   0
Attack2         0   0   0   0.0      0.8      H   default         0   0
Attack3         0   0   0   0.0      0.8      M   default         0   0
##### misc anims ####
Idle2Norm      0   0   0   0.0      1.0      N   FIGHT2IDLE      0   0

If you're good with the values, you may realise they depend on playerdist values. Both the LWs video and your first video do not show a perfect punch being synced.

I punched you like 3,4 times, no HP goes.. always the same.. why?
, it decreases but you may as i said require a spyglass or so to examine it.
If you're asking about how it renders me getting 1)Knee or 2)PunchHook or 3)Longkick or 4)Roundhouse or 5) Jab but not punch sometimes, you better blame VCMP developers and VCMP sync. VCMP sync gets fucked in monitors having higher display size and having higher refreshrates than old 60Hz-85Hz monitors. Not that I lost no HP, I lost -1HP because VCMP failed to make out the exact sync and exact animations.

Moreover, I guess the video you posted about -5HP reduction was moments after Diaz tested punching me, provided I didn't disconnect. Diaz possibly may have the video where it is evident that instead of a punch being synced, it synchronizes something holding damage value( out of the fistfite.txd animations) -1HP rather than a perfect punch.
You gotta deal with it because widescreen fixes aren't allowed and sync will keep fucking up. Nobody is keen enough to alter the punch values when it usually ends up having me on floor. It is rather like, die with 99% HP or die with 95% hp, there aren't punching events going on. Auto-jump would've been of use if i was to think so deep.

Resolved Reports / Re: V2X - Punch/Game Modifications & Wall Glitch
« on: May 31, 2020, 02:22:05 pm »
Since you play on 32fps and claim strong without knowing, in fact, the differences in sync, I'll wait for some better replies.

Resolved Reports / Re: V2X - Punch/Game Modifications & Wall Glitch
« on: May 31, 2020, 02:16:06 pm »
Quick view at your video seems more like an ass-choke than a punch.

It can be any out of the values you see in VC dir/data/fistfite, holding own damage values.

It could be either out of punch, jab, longkick, roundhouse, etc. depending on what sync says.

Resolved Reports / Re: V2X - Punch/Game Modifications & Wall Glitch
« on: May 31, 2020, 01:38:43 pm »
It would need you a spyglass to know HP low as 99%.

A relatable link

Would look like a HP hack or a punch bug or whatsoever but the player there checked my HP soon after and found it to be 99%, while mere look at the health bar doesnt say so.

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