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Resolved Reports / Re: [F2]Kokomako - Death Evade
« on: October 14, 2022, 02:37:44 pm »
This is what im trying to explain him but he won't get it.
@BliTz i will try to avoid such things in future and thanks for understanding my situation.

Resolved Reports / Re: [F2]Kokomako - Death Evade
« on: October 13, 2022, 01:35:38 am »
Is your brain a trash can? I told you like so many times about the scenrio but you still keep repeating your nonsense again & again.
It was an accident due to the slinky glitched area, im not gonna reply to your bullshit anymore.

Resolved Reports / Re: [F2]Kokomako - Death Evade
« on: October 12, 2022, 12:51:52 am »
I wonder what makes you think that i would death evade for a sake of a Kill lmao and how can you be sure that the location isn't bugged/glitched? You dont even have the visuals of what has happened there & as i told you it was an accident.

Resolved Reports / Re: [F2]Kokomako - Death Evade
« on: October 11, 2022, 10:22:15 am »
Vcmp is full of glitches and bugs and many knows except you.There are many reports in the denied section which dont actually have visibility of what really has happened and same goes for your report.
I dont have the recording if i had i would have posted it without writing the statement which your brain cant process.
And let me remind you of one thing whenever there is a fight happening in a ship, mostly players drown due to the slinky texture of ship.

Resolved Reports / Re: [F2]Kokomako - Death Evade
« on: October 10, 2022, 09:46:26 pm »
Lol you should provide a clear evidence of what has happened there exactly, the video you uploaded is uncertain.
In my case the upper floor of ship is slinky and glitched i slided over the area and cant clearly remember what exactly has happened but it was an accident.

Ban Appeals / Ban time decreased [Lumberjack] Unban plz
« on: May 20, 2022, 04:27:41 am »
In-Game nick: =F2=Chill_Bro
Country: Bulgaria
Ban ID: idk
Date you were banned: 15 may
Suspected reason: using bugged locs
Admin that banned you: lumberjack
Why should we unban you ?: I know i used bugged locs to gain advantage but was banned for 14 days and its a lot for such minor rule break, 4 days already passed so i think i should be unbanned.
Extra note: Sorry admen, won't use bugged locs again plz unban me lol.

Resolved Reports / Re: =F2=Chill_Bro - Using bugged locations
« on: May 16, 2022, 03:50:58 am »
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I just randomly teleported to this loc as i searched for inside the ammu location and didn't knew its bugged.

I wasn't aware of the rule at that point, Frost noticed me after this so i will be more careful in future..

Ban Appeals / Ban time decreased Hotline unban app- Gorce
« on: April 09, 2022, 05:23:53 am »
In-Game nick: Hotline
Country: bulgaria
Ban ID: dunno
Date you were banned: 7th of april 2022
Suspected reason: Death evade via molo.
Admin that banned you: Gorcce
Why should we unban you ?:
First of all the clips he posted in which 2 of them were not vaild clips as i was hit by their explosions and also if you notice i had full health bar so it was accident and was totally unintentional like why would i even get banned by evading death lol.
@GoRcEE you should watch the video carefully again and also i dont have any past history of death evading unlike hazard who has been banned multiple times.
Extra note:
I apologize for this and will be even more careful next time.
Thank you

Resolved Reports / Re: f2.4u4i - evade via molotovs three times
« on: April 05, 2022, 07:33:31 pm »
Even if you have done it unintentionally lmfao, that doesn't matter. Rules are rules, you gotta be careful as said thousand times by administrators.

Talking about my demotion? Your whole clan used to sit and spectate me to find out any mistake I make in fighting so that they can report me and get me demoted JUST because of the personal problems / grudge against MD clan and me, also because of making mistakes in the past using molotovs and grenades e.t.c but wasn't able to record and give my defense. I got demoted ONLY for making minor mistakes in fighting. I tried my best to explain that the evades are unintentional but the rule was a rule.

But who to explain? F2 doesn't know the meaning of logic and sense.

@GoRcEE If these evades are not enough, I have more to shut his mouth.
You're so butthurt and toxic lol idk how miserable your world outside of this game is 😂😂

Resolved Reports / Re: f2.4u4i - evade via molotovs three times
« on: April 05, 2022, 05:03:47 pm »
F2 talking about logic now? Ease, only if you do it once, if not twice but does it look intentional doing it more than twice? You've been doing this since you created your account in EC

I have his few more evades with molotov cocktails. One of them is he falling of from the building. I will upload if its necessary @GoRcEE
There is a differernce between doing evade intentionally and unintentionally not everyone is like you whos history is full of evades and i guess your admin rank was removed because of doing evades and you talk here lol?
Not every evade is same there is always a different scenerio to them.
Thats all from my side i will accept whatever decision admin take. Thank you

Resolved Reports / Re: f2.4u4i - evade via molotovs three times
« on: April 05, 2022, 04:22:09 am »
Not gonna talk to some 12 year old school kid anyways.
@GoRcEE i know about the rules and new rules added by aaron there is some ease in rules and in my case none of the evades were intentional it was either mistakes or some enemy nades taking away most of my hp which is very common fighting in close space.
" about 1st clip i was actually surrounded from both sides i couldnot escape and died to my own molo which wasnot intentional.
About 2nd clip as u can see i had full hp but nades took away most of my hp otherwise i would have survived.
Aboit 3rd clip i also had full hp and didnot intended to evade death.

Anyways @GoRcEE i apologize for the molies i had thrown next time i will be more careful.

Resolved Reports / Re: f2.4u4i - evade via molotovs three times
« on: April 05, 2022, 12:22:40 am »
Yes, I will add that Hazard is butthurt. Thats all.

Resolved Reports / Re: F2 Hotline - Close Range RPG
« on: March 31, 2022, 07:06:08 pm »
It was accident and I said sorry, why so butthurt bro?

Ban Appeals / Unbanned [LumberJack] Unban App
« on: January 05, 2022, 06:56:45 pm »
In-Game nick: =F2=Chief_Keef
Country: Bulgaria
Ban ID: N/A I'm not banned still but probably will be
Date you were banned: 04.01.2022
Suspected reason: WallGlitch
Admin that banned you: LumberJack
Why should we unban you ?: I realize my mistake and will be more careful in future
Extra note: First of all I want to say sorry about the wg i did earlier, second at that point i didn't realize im doing wg i was just taking actions impulsively and threw molotovs all over the place. I realized my mistake and would like you to forgive me, in future i will be more careful with it.. Thanks

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