In-Game nick:[TDAt]Emi
Ban ID:2679
Date you were banned:15.06.2022
Suspected reason:Death Evade
Admin that banned you:Broly
Why should we unban you ?:I learnt from my mistake and now i'm sincerely apologizing for breaking the rules. Let me play with my friends Kingston,Paul (He told me he'll rejoin when i'll get unbanned.),Stefi,Darius
Extra note:last chance, i'm not casper,hunting or any well-known rule breaker.. It's been 1 year since i last played. Well i had my bad times but it won't repeat again promise. So please Broly or EC staff give me my last chance. I'm not joking or anything now i'm rly serious. I'm sorry for breaking the rules. Also when i said see you next year it was a joke i wasn't expecting you to take it serious.
If i break any rule from now on just perma-ban me.