Hombre, what up here. If everything was very nice, I had 2 months banned by my evade. I accepted my mistake and could wait 2 months
then I do a ban appel if it was also wrong and they added 1 more month I also accept it , because I'm not a crybaby this game is dead
but i am not stupid Now I just wanted to check if everything was the same, but I notice a quite big difference in the days
I see it's 4 months approximately
I don't know what they want to do with this? they want to be satisfied but always with revenge and rancor I don't know who they attack, I am one and they only add more days to become self-satisfied, I don't know what the shit they do because they don't earn anything other than toxicity
Well if you want to add more days add until they are full and happy, if they call that happiness or whatever they want to call it
You think I'm going to die for not playing if the game isn't even fun