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Author Topic: DronZ should have a look here too.  (Read 1522 times)

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DronZ should have a look here too.
« on: May 26, 2016, 05:42:04 pm »
I want management to ask Sean to stay the hell away from me? So what? No one can abuse admins but admins can start fucking up everyone? I wasn't even talking to him and he started abusing me? DronZ, if this is a DEMOCRATIC EC, then instead of taking his suggestions, ask to stay away from me, he can't fuck up with me for no reason.

[14:32:13]  *> [EAF]Sean killed matrix_!__! with a scoped rifle to head. <*
[14:32:13]  [EAF]Sean: fuyck me
[14:32:13]  [EAF]Sean: fuyck me
[14:32:17]  matrix_!__!: np man
[14:32:18]  *> [RAF]zeus killed TLK.B34TZ with a SPAS shotgun to body. <*
[14:32:19]  *> AlbeDo killed ABC with a stubby shotgun to body. <*
[14:32:19]  >> AlbeDo is on spree of 5 kills, Reward: $400
[14:32:19]  *> =TRC=Kyzo killed [ON]StealtH^ with a stubby shotgun to body. <*
[14:32:29]  *> [ON]StealtH^ killed =TRC=Kyzo with a Python to body. <*
[14:32:35]  *> [RAF]zeus killed matrix_!__! with an M4 to head. <*
[14:32:37]  matrix_!__!: what a lagger
[14:32:47]  [ON]K.: matrix always cries
[14:32:48]  *> [RAF]zeus killed matrix_!__! with an M4 to head. <*
[14:32:53]  >> [TNC]MODy teleported to location: biker2, Cost: $100
[14:32:56]  matrix_!__!: that cause u ran
[14:33:00]  *> [ON]StealtH^ killed =TRC=Kyzo with an Uzi to head. <*
[14:33:01]  =TRC=Kyzo: chhal 3ndek f sensiti
[14:33:02]  *> matrix_!__! killed [RAF]zeus with an M60 to torso. <*
[14:33:09]  [ON]StealtH^: 3 wala 2  jcpa
[14:33:11]  [ON]K.: yes, because I don't want to fight with a dumb ass (I was talking with MATRIX)
[14:33:12]  =TRC=Kyzo: k
[14:33:14]  [ON]StealtH^: wanta
[14:33:15]  matrix_!__!: oh
[14:33:20]  [EAF]Sean: because you're a pussy
[14:33:22]  *> =TRC=Kyzo killed [ON]StealtH^ with a stubby shotgun to body. <*
[14:33:25]  [ON]StealtH^: 6?
[14:33:34]  *> [ON]StealtH^ killed =TRC=Kyzo with a stubby shotgun to left arm. <*
[14:33:35]  *> [TNC]MODy disconnected. <*
[14:33:37]  [ON]K.: Sean I'm not talking with you, stay away from me
[14:33:39]  =TRC=Kyzo: man3reff
[14:33:41]  =TRC=Kyzo: nssit ga3
[14:33:41]  *> matrix_!__! killed [RAF]zeus with an M60 to left leg. <*
[14:33:45]  [EAF]Sean: lol suck my dick
[14:33:45]  [EAF]Aaron: There will be changing of skins soon
[14:33:46]  TLK.B34TZ: stop crying
[14:33:48]  matrix_!__!: hahaha
[14:33:48]  =TRC=Kyzo: :o
[14:33:49]  *> ThE_+BaD_B
  • Y connected. <*
  • [14:33:49]  >> ThE_+BaD_B
  • Y is connecting from Egypt.
  • [14:33:50]  >> ThE_+BaD_B
  • Y has successfully auto logged in.
  • [14:33:53]  *> TLK.B34TZ killed
[RAF]zeus with an M4 to head. <*
[14:33:53]  [ON]StealtH^: ntaa tastakhdem setconfig,
[14:33:54]  [ON]StealtH^: ,
[14:33:59]  [ON]K.: nice democracy
[14:34:06]  [EAF]Sean: yeah yeah suck my dick again

Sean first irritate me and if I abuse, he gives me warning that he'll mute me, If they can't ignore, so as we. So ask him to stay the hell away from me. What kind of adminship is this? They first irritate us and then if we say anything, they simply mute us. If they're willing to use admin commands, ask them to use them somewhere else, instead of putting us on fire and then mute us.

I'll say Aaron. Gangstaras and Howl are the only persons who don't annoy everyone and do a fair decision.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 10:46:43 pm by Aaron »


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Re: DronZ should have a look here too.
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2016, 05:52:05 pm »
EC is a free democratic server where everyone has rights to say whatever he/she likes. Curse words against me are most welcome. The fact that I never restricted anyone from abusing me. Anyone taking in-game insults too serious is in fact the most retarded person in my view.

[14:32:47]  [ON]K.: matrix always cries

In this case, I was supporting my mate.

I'll say Aaron. Gangstaras and Howl are the only persons who don't annoy everyone and do a fair decision.

The saga continues. lol.

Offline EvilSpiriT

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Re: DronZ should have a look here too.
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2016, 07:33:49 pm »
There is nothing harm I can see. It's just your personal matter and you guys are mature enough to handle such situations.
It is his choice whether to "Mute" you or "insult you back" , but he cannot do both the things at a same time. This would be unfair use of admin commands. I would suggest both of you that if you have such a bad relations with each other, better don't say anything then, to prevent unwanted fights.


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Re: DronZ should have a look here too.
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2016, 07:49:42 pm »
You can see clearly who started first. Just ask him to stay away from me.

I'm mature enough to handle all this single handed, but he's becoming annoying for me everyday.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 07:52:55 pm by [ON]K.. »

Offline Sevrin

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Re: DronZ should have a look here too.
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2016, 09:08:33 pm »
Dunno about the matter, but K., listen please, what you said here:
I'll say Aaron. Gangstaras and Howl are the only persons who don't annoy everyone and do a fair decision.

All the members in staff(level 5) are equal, GangstaRas/Howl, no need of saying Aaron's name because he's the manager(senior from us), Everyone have a different way of handling cases & etc, what makes me feel that it's just they're experienced more from me just that, else they've the same rights I've, so you cannot say there are 3 peoples or 4 or whatever, EC's senior staff is mature & equal, everyone have equal access on everything, so please don't irritate other admins.

Coming to the topic, what I can see here is that, Sean was protecting his team mate, we've rights to mute anyone if someone insults us but in case if we insult back, there's no need of it, I can see Sean started it first but the reality is that he was supporting his team mate that's all, as stated by EvilSpiriT he can mute you or insult, that's all. VC:MP is damn 18+ game, these insults & abuses aren't much important except in case they're done for irritating, teasing, etc stuffs.


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Re: DronZ should have a look here too.
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2016, 09:51:47 pm »
lol how am I seeing this case gaadd y dey dun have eyez. K didn't even say a word to sean meanwhile sean so called protecting his mate and abusing K. If K had abused back to sean, he would have been muted/warned/banned lulwutlulwutlulwut


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Re: DronZ should have a look here too.
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2016, 10:21:20 pm »
Sevrin, what if we try to defend our friends by abusing admins? Of course, they'll mute us. And if they defend their friends by abusing us (even we're not talking with him), it means that we've no right to tell management that ask them to stay away from us?

So it means that admins can mute others for defending their friends and we can't even give a damn about it. Well, this is completely wrong and it needs to be fixed. I'll repeat again that if we're talking with other person, ask them not to interfere between us or talk us in a polite manner. If they don't have guts to talk in a proper manner, ask them to stay quiet and mind their own business. We players cannot tolerate this thing anymore! His friend (whom I was abusing) have hands, he can type, he does not need to defend him by abusing me for no reason.

If I'm not talking with him? Why he's abusing me? Yes, this is true that everyone  have rights to express themselves, but they should express themselves in front of their friends, not with us. Simple as that.

As for teasing or 18+ game stuff etc, I'll say that no one tease an unknown person, ask him to tease whoever he wants, but not me or others who are not his friends.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 10:32:53 pm by [ON]K.. »

Offline Aaron

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Re: DronZ should have a look here too.
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2016, 10:43:19 pm »
Ok this is going out of hands first of all Sean all of us have different kinds of perspective all insults are welcomed for you but for others it doesn't so be kind of considerate and understandable or we can say this be sensitive who you're surrounded and to Kamran i would like to say if it's a personal issue between both of you why not fixing it instead making things bigger or in other words just ignore/keep it a distance for both of you, management are just here to advice the admins what is right thing to do and which is not, If ever who started it just ignore the insults but if it's going out of the boundaries that's the time action would be taken as here sean was just protecting his teammate but not in the right manner to respond, so the conflict will end here not making this any longer.