This is a suggestion for both,forum and server.I hate when people spam the forum boards with such topics: is exactly the kind of sh*t that brought this server into a very bad position.
What do I mean? What I mean is that this kind of bullshit shall be punished with a warn,at first,and then with a ban from forum/server , depending on situation, in following order..
1 ) The player will get a warn
2) The player will be warned again.
3) The player will be banned if STILL repeating this.Admins can deal with these situations.
This "bullshit" is called harassment and it's very disturbing to many players ( a common cause why a few players left VC:MP)
So I suggest this kind of attitude shall be fixed in the new version of European City ,the one from beta tests.
The point is , this rule should be implemented to server , and should be followed by the staff members,why? It will have a great level of contribution to playercount and maybe even could clear the forum boards with this kind of stuff which 60% of VC:MP certainly hate.