Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) Server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): Hey Guys! What about Buying infernus car from me on half prizce ? no no not real just showing you what i want to suggest... My Suggestion is that we buy cars from sunshine in game it costs for example 18 ecds 40 ecds or whatever but when we sell the same car Shunsine buys it in 8 ecds 10 ecds or bla bla bla. so add a cmd with what we can sell our cars to players like i want to sell a car (infernus) and another player want to buy a same car (infernus) but when i sell it on sunshine that offers me 8 ecds but i want 12 ecds for that car.... and wolf want to buy infernus it costs 18 ecds but wolf got 13... so the players can disscuss about that with each other and the one selling car offers wolf to buy infernus for example /sellcar (Sunshine/Player) "Player" playerID "CarID" (how much ECds you want for this car) "12" and wolf get a message "Do you want to Buy infernus(CarID) from MAD_K!LL3R price 12 ECDs" then WolF types /buycar Infernus(CarID) Player/Sunshine "Player" server confirms and send ECDs to MAD_K!LL3R and change ownership of the car from MAD to WolF. this will cause players to save their ECDs
Extra notes: I guess that is enough to understand if not then go buy another brain. :V