Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) Server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): Hello, folks.
I suggest to decrease amount of the cars on the server.
Extra notes: This action will increase FPS on low PCs. That'd be nice. Better optimization - more players. If low PC holder is getting a kick for Unstable FPS on the server - he won't play there anymore. He just leaves this server and starting to play on another one. And I am convinced that owner of the server want to see large amount of players.
Also, we can improve car buying system. The players are trying to find the one car (Virgo, for example) all over the Vice City. This is embarassing, is not it? It is necessary to make a special zone where you can find a needed car. It will be really easier. Well, I know it's kind of useless suggestion for powerful PC holders, but it's not useless for the whole server. If server would be optimized good - you will see how many players there would be playing. The part of people are chosing VC:MP because this game don't require poweful PC. If you think VC:MP community has few PC holders - you are wrong. My point here is done.
I'm sori for mai bed English. English is my second language and če?tina (Czech) is first