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Author Topic: Report - KILLERX/Craig  (Read 1773 times)

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Report - KILLERX/Craig
« on: January 10, 2018, 06:13:33 pm »
Admin nick: KILLERX/Craig
Your nick: zeodex
Date: 09/01/2018
Reason for report: Quick decisions, avoiding players in getting ban,
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc) 1 - https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=7074.0 (Clear evasion, pausing game intentionally to avoid death, comes back after 5-10 mins like)
                                                                   2 - https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=7075.0 (Clear evasion, drowning his self to avoid death)
Extra notes: I dont think these players are newbies, if in this case it was any ON member or WK member i bet that them gonna get ban, thats unfair, its clear how some players, some clans in this community are protected by admins.
I wish that report will be solved by an experienced manager.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 06:17:33 pm by ?αмαz »

Offline Fi77_Hold3R

Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2018, 06:26:36 pm »
 Do you guys rly think think that SS member isn't aware of rules???
In every server,when your health is low and you are about to die,and then you drown yourself to save yourself from getting killed by your opponent isn't allowed...was it allowed in 0.3 lol.As far as i know it wasn't allowed in 0.3 too, what do you think if i had came after a monthor 2 months and have used f1 and did dorwn evade then Craig has not banned me too? lol Actually the thing is that Craig wants to be SS
Dont let Craig to handle SS's reports plzzz...
That rly makes sense @Nilz defnding himself "Yes admin Craig, I can clarify this: I use to drown intentionally when I consider there's no way to escape (low hp + people chasing me). I always enjoy doing this and seeing people reactions  ;D. I just didn't know it was disallowed in this server. It's completely my fault for not reading the rules before playing here, and I accept the punishment. This is the first time I see this rule in a server (or I'm probably outdated due to my inactivity)"
Its bullshit..
Sorry for saying but if Nilz had done this in LW and i have reported him too,then i bet admins will have banned him for atleast a month but lol Craig i dont know what happened to you,as an advice i would like to tell you that you can be a SS if you are loyal......no need to save them from getting banned...

And n the kraken's report,as far as i know there is no player that uses alt+ any key for team chat,lol its simply press \ and write whatever you want,that craig warned me just for abusing,and these SS's kept on doing evades but still not getting banned that's not justice.All players should be counted as equal whether its WK's or SS nothing more to say........
Sorry for posting reply but its necessary
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 06:46:34 pm by Fi77_Hold3R »


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Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2018, 07:59:42 pm »
https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=7075.0 but lol Craig i dont know what happened to you,as an advice i would like to tell you that you can be a SS if you are loyal......no need to save them from getting banned...

And n the kraken's report,as far as i know there is no player that uses alt+ any key for team chat,lol its simply press \ and write whatever you want,that craig warned me just for abusing,and these SS's kept on doing evades but still not getting banned that's not justice.All players should be counted as equal whether its WK's or SS nothing more to say........
Sorry for posting reply but its necessary
wait wait what? you mean my decision was bias? Nope i never supported my any friend or an SS i banned my best friend in this report https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=6707.0 and i also banned Woodland/ELK for advertising all knows that ELK/Woodland is my best friend  i dont care what you guys think but let me tell you about @Nilz case he accpeted his mistake and he was inactive from long and he is not a known a rule breaker like ONs so i gave him a chance
Now lets move to kraken case
i dont know why you guys involving me in your personal problems of SS vs WK but let me explain as he already told its was a mistake i know in your computers language option is not available  but i have faced this problem also so i understood his problem here is language options pic and you will have to press alt for teamchat and as far as i know we(ec staff) are not banning players for just mistake rule breaks and @managers if you want proof i can make video in which i will repeat the same situation if you guys want
for example: https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=7006.0
there are many reports but i dont have enough to show you all reports
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 08:27:47 pm by KILLERX/Craig »


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Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2018, 08:11:07 pm »
From now all of should evade by drowning it selfs and pause evade because our keyboard has different keys, and no action will be taked, thats bullshit.


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Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2018, 08:14:11 pm »
From now all of should evade by drowning it selfs and pause evade because our keyboard has different keys, and no action will be taked, thats bullshit.
its was unique and first case and also first report against him if he did something like this again the ban will be longer like you are saying now all will evade if you did you will be getting a longer ban since you will do it intentionally


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Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2018, 08:24:07 pm »
I dont care that you banned ur best friends, i care about these 2 clear reports https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=7074.0 and https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=7075.0 which these 2 players doesnt get atleast an warn. nowadays newbies are getting ban, old players arent getting anything
After you 'mistake' pressed windows key or any other key which brings you on this windows start page, i dont think you will wait around 5 mins to come back in the game.


[20:23:40] *> [SS]T.F.Gohan^ killed [ON]VeiN with a SPAS shotgun to left leg. <*
[20:23:41] >> You will be healed in 5 seconds, dont move.
[20:23:43] *> S!LenT_K!ll3R killed zeodex with an M60 to head. <*
[20:23:43] ** pm >> Your healing process has been cancelled.
[20:23:43] >> Killed by: S!LenT_K!ll3R - Hit: Head, by: M60 - Distance: 54.125 meters
[20:23:44] ** pm >> You may use /spawnskin off to set your spawn skin to default skins.
[20:23:44] ** pm >> You have spawned as Paramedic. [Team ID: 5]
[20:23:44] >> You've received your spawn weapons.
[20:23:44] >> You have spawned at the last position you've died. (Little Haiti), Cost: $50
[20:23:44] ** pm >> You can use /getarmour at ammunation, Downtown for free.
[20:23:44] ** pm >> The /kill command is disabled, use !kill to suicide
[20:23:44] >> =KF=T. teleported to player: [ON]Wishwanath, Cost: $100
[20:23:46] >> [SS]Ryxen teleported to location: taxiroof, Cost: $100
[20:23:47] *> =RK=MarineForce killed Roman_Reigns with an M4 to body. <*
[20:23:48] >> Ryou teleported to player: [SS]T.F.Gohan^, Cost: $100


[20:26:47] *> XTM killed [SS]KraKen with fire. <*

Why would he stay around 5 mins when he 'for mistake' press alt+tab, when someone 'for mistake' pause the game wouldnt wait so much.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 08:49:52 pm by ?αмαz »


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Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2018, 10:42:32 pm »
I dont care that you banned ur best friends, i care about these 2 clear reports https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=7074.0 and https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=7075.0 which these 2 players doesnt get atleast an warn. nowadays newbies are getting ban, old players arent getting anything
After you 'mistake' pressed windows key or any other key which brings you on this windows start page, i dont think you will wait around 5 mins to come back in the game.


[20:23:40] *> [SS]T.F.Gohan^ killed [ON]VeiN with a SPAS shotgun to left leg. <*
[20:23:41] >> You will be healed in 5 seconds, dont move.
[20:23:43] *> S!LenT_K!ll3R killed zeodex with an M60 to head. <*
[20:23:43] ** pm >> Your healing process has been cancelled.
[20:23:43] >> Killed by: S!LenT_K!ll3R - Hit: Head, by: M60 - Distance: 54.125 meters
[20:23:44] ** pm >> You may use /spawnskin off to set your spawn skin to default skins.
[20:23:44] ** pm >> You have spawned as Paramedic. [Team ID: 5]
[20:23:44] >> You've received your spawn weapons.
[20:23:44] >> You have spawned at the last position you've died. (Little Haiti), Cost: $50
[20:23:44] ** pm >> You can use /getarmour at ammunation, Downtown for free.
[20:23:44] ** pm >> The /kill command is disabled, use !kill to suicide
[20:23:44] >> =KF=T. teleported to player: [ON]Wishwanath, Cost: $100
[20:23:46] >> [SS]Ryxen teleported to location: taxiroof, Cost: $100
[20:23:47] *> =RK=MarineForce killed Roman_Reigns with an M4 to body. <*
[20:23:48] >> Ryou teleported to player: [SS]T.F.Gohan^, Cost: $100


[20:26:47] *> XTM killed [SS]KraKen with fire. <*

Why would he stay around 5 mins when he 'for mistake' press alt+tab, when someone 'for mistake' pause the game wouldnt wait so much.
   the resolution of my screen turned upside down the game alike that's why it came out and i had to fix it so i didnt come back right away i could no keep playing with the head game

Offline Fi77_Hold3R

Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2018, 11:19:22 pm »
From now all of should evade by drowning it selfs and pause evade because our keyboard has different keys, and no action will be taked, thats bullshit.
its was unique and first case and also first report against him if he did something like this again the ban will be longer like you are saying now all will evade if you did you will be getting a longer ban since you will do it intentionally
And what about f1 hack nilz used? Craig.Neither Nilz  said anything  about f1 hack nor you did in my report on him isnt that strange buddy?? now what excuse will you make for it? =KF=T and me both shooted him with shotgun and his health didn't even decreased a bit how is it possible?lol you are admin you know everything better but in the report you did said anything about f1,you saw that i gave 2 reason drown evade and f1 hack also the videos shows 2 evidences then why you didn't even cared about f1????
You know what one day when leo kliesen( i dont remember his name,but it was something like that) knocked me down suddenly my window showed up a "Window Activition" notification which stopped my game after that i came back in game after 2 secs only.HE reported on me and i got banned by Noire.But this guy Kraken didnot got banned,is it justice EC admins?
Craig just tell me one thing, Whe  your health is low and there are 2 players shooting you and in order to save yourself you drown yourself okay.Now tell me that it was allowed in 0.3?nope it wasn't allowed,also mention the name of the server where it is allowed,so that niz came back after 100 years and he forgot VCMP rules lol thats bullshit....He just came back after a month in EC,i saw him before 2 weeks in CTF and he is saying that he came back after a long time looooooooooooool.
I request Aaron and Human to handle this report plz and to prevent unjustice + unfairness
All players are equal so rules must be equal too,once again i request to Aaron and Human to handle this report plz let no one else to handle plz


Offline ELBG

Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2018, 11:21:39 pm »
LOOL that kraken video does not prove a single shit since you didn't record him pausing game when he was actually knocked down. You see, you can knock down an afk player and then make it look like he/she evaded lole you 2gb retards.


Offline Fi77_Hold3R

Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2018, 11:44:59 pm »
LOOL that kraken video does not prove a single shit since you didn't record him pausing game when he was actually knocked down. You see, you can knock down an afk player and then make it look like he/she evaded lole you 2gb retards.

First of all if i had abused instead of you i would have earned a warn...
kraken wasn't knocked down but was hitted by XTM's mol,when he came back( wash your face and open your eyes and see) He got killed by XTM's mol loooool you 2gb retard can't you see that clearly?

Can you justify what happened when i and =KF=T shooted him with shotgun both at a time ( just 1 sec difference) but he dont get any damage can you explain? lol you can't,if you are not involved and if you can't describe anything then you are not invited here lol...
BTW stop bringing admins attention towards yourself by abusing hhhhhh it won'twork now,kindly answer the questions i asked above...

Offline ELBG

Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2018, 12:24:55 am »
Well i know this guy is completely butthurt and can't be helped. Do any of you admins find any xtm molo shot in video?

The video is not actually complete. About nilz case, you guys literally needs to quit playing vcmp you butthurts

Offline elDeko^

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Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2018, 12:29:18 am »
Do you really think that a player with the high reputation as he deserves (nilz) and with respect of all of the community, or probably a big part of it, will use a hack like F1? You are totally wrong bro, sorry but you are wrong.

Is the 2nd time in my history in SS that I have seen nilz playing in another server after a looooong time, he only plays Clanwars but first you have to see if the planets are in line.

Credits: [SS]Bart.
Quote from: NewK
First of all, amazing work Berkley, we need more people like you in this community, people who are willing to go the extra mile to catch these cunts.


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Re: Report - KILLERX/Craig
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2018, 12:30:23 am »
Locked, let the management handle this report.